It real name is SARS-CoV-2  

Covid 19 Just means the out break started in 2019

The first out break of this sort of virus was in 2003 and is know as SARS-CoV-1

 More than 80% of the genome sequence is the exact same.

These viruses are in circulation and could be for many many years if not forever so that means that every body will be exposed at some point most people will have no problems. This is why you see the infection rates climb what is the point of testing you know the virus is in circulation and every body is going to be exposed all it is is scare tactics.

Why do you need social distancing for normal people that can develop anti bodies it is only needed with vulnerable people.

Nothing has made any sense from the use of respirators to face coverings and quarantine.

Doctors were told to use respirators which proved to cause more damage and stress because people did not suffer from lung failure but suffered lack of oxygen. A respirator takes over the lung function. Only a few needed to be put on respirators due to underlining conditions.

Majority needed oxygen only.

Face covering viruses can pass right though these in and out  so no protection is gained you are doing more damage to your self and others by wearing one. What happens is you put your body under stress and suffer from lack of oxygen compromising your immune system.

When wearing a face covering you are always bringing your hands to your face as it is not normal to be wearing a cover you are also adjusting the face cover as it moves thus risking contamination to your self and spreading more germs. Touching your face with your hands you are more likely to spread germs and viruses than you breathing them in or expelling them.

Only people that are prone to sneezing and coughing should wear a face cover to protect others. 

Majority of people do not sneeze and cough at all.

All that is needed is common etiquete cover your mouth and nose if you need to sneeze or cough.

Quarantine Why did governments force care homes to take patients that had not been tested some were Covid-19 positive knowing full well the elderly are vulnerable.

Does any of this make any sense?

The death rate is dropping and the infectious rate is climbing, as always happens with every single flu/corona type pandemic. This is causes by two fundamental biological factors, first, antigenic shift (mutation) which always weakens a viruses virulence and invariably strengthen the infectiousness level. Second by natural antibody T-Cell immunization (herd immunity) which attacks, then deciphers and transcribes the viral RNA and memorizes and stores the genetic information within our own bone marrow for future recall. When under attack again from the same pathogen our immune systems understand exactly how to combat that particular microbial invader and will snuff it usually before we even know. The longer this drags on without allowing herd immunity to run its natural course through the healthy population the more the deaths numbers will accumulate among the vulnerable poor health population (simply by the length of time they're forced in isolation and Not from the virus itself.) This is how it's been happening for as long as viruses and humans have co-existed together and is well understood empirical science in the immunological/ epidemiological world for almost a century, at least until now when the politics , the media, and the science has sadly become indistinguishably the same thing and the internet is fueling the irrational mass hysteria.

Hydroxychloroquine or Chloroquine a very cheap drug with over 50 years of use completely safe.

Proved to be very effective against SARS-CoV-1  and there are many documents proving this.

Over 17 years of research.

 In 17 years a effective vaccination has not been produced.

A paper was published basically saying Hydroxychloroquine or Chloroquine was not effective this made the news all over the world and all research was stopped now this document has been retracted and no mention of it in the news.

Doctors were threatened that they would lose there licence to practice medicine if they prescribed it.

The public only listen to the main news what makes headlines

Fake News and Data. And who is spreading it THE ESTABLISHMENT.

We suppose to live with freedom of speech yet there is so much censorship anything that does not meet the current agender is removed.

Why is there no debates among scientist and others in the know

All the information is coming from the same source.

Type 2 Diabetes, Heart Disease, Alzheimer's, Cancer, Covid-19 — apparently unconnected conditions, but at the root of them all lies one problem: Inflammation.

This is now emerging as the key factor in many diseases, and a process we need to understand better if we want to reduce our risk of everything from dementia to blocked arteries.

Inflammation is a sign of the body's natural response to infection. When the immune system is mobilised, the flurry of activity by defensive cells causes by-products such as heat and skin redness, or fever when the whole system is involved.

However, in some cases the immune reaction continues, leading to an excessive inflammatory response often referred to as a cytokine storm.

Cannabis (not smoking it as this destroys it) plays a major part in controlling this cytokine storm though the Endocannabinoid System which plays an very important part in the control of the immune system.

A cytokine storm can be very dangers as the body can start to attack its self and cause other organs to deteriorate.

We are moving towards a totalitarian state of the world. 

A cashless society, you will have no control over anything.

This is part of Agenda ID2020 – and these steps to be implemented now – prepared since long, including by the coronavirus computer simulation at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore on 18 October 2019, sponsored by the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

It was called 

Event 201

What is the infamous ID2020? It is an alliance of public-private partners, including UN agencies and civil society. It’s an electronic ID program that uses generalised vaccination as a platform for digital identity. The program harnesses existing birth registration and vaccination operations to provide newborns with a portable and persistent biometrically-linked digital identity. GAVI, the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization, identifies itself on its website as a global health partnership of public and private sector organizations dedicated to “immunization for all”. GAVI is supported by WHO, and needless to say, its main partners and sponsors are the pharma-industry.

There are two main groups of people that are vulnerable that needed to be protected the elderly and people with chronic existing diseases.

These people are at high risk.

A third group is people with a poor diet having a poor immune system.

The problem is that innate immunity starts to deteriorate from the age of about 50 and goes into a steep decline from 70.

Adaptive immunity also starts to fail, with specialist antibody cells 'forgetting' to recognise the invaders they are meant to protect against.

This malfunction occurs even in otherwise healthy older people, and the immune system tries to compensate for the deficit by over-producing cytokines, which buzz about looking for trouble — but in doing so cause inflammation.

In those with chronic existing disease, this inflammation is amplified. 

The immune system has two lines of defence: innate immunity, which includes 'natural killer' and other types of cell that are on the lookout for any bacteria, virus or fungus which might look foreign; and the adaptive or acquired immune system. 

This second type of defence is a set of more specialised cells, unique to each of us, that has developed over our lifetime to recognise and destroy any invader that has tried to attack our body in the past.

Covid-19 only emerged at the end of last year, so human immune systems have never been exposed to it and have no prepared defences.

Our bodies, therefore, have to rely on innate immunity natural killer and so called T cells, along with other types of defence cells.

Sentinel cells of the innate immune system can sense the presence of viruses never seen before and trigger a cascade of events that mobilizes immune cells such as macrophages, neutrophils, and dendritic cells to the site of infection. Once there, these immune cells produce pro-inflammatory signalling proteins known as cytokines, which then cue other responses and prime adaptive T and B cells for future functions. A primary wave of cytokines includes type I interferons, which stimulate a signalling cascade that ultimately limits viral replication. As the infection progresses and the virus is cleared, the recruited immune cells and resulting cytokines typically recede and the patient recovers. 

Interferons (IFNs) are a group of signalling proteins made and released by host cells in response to the presence of viruses. In a typical scenario, a virus-infected cell will release interferons causing nearby cells to heighten their anti-viral defences.

IFNs belong to the large class of proteins known as cytokines, molecules used for communication between cells to trigger the protective defences of the immune system that help eradicate pathogens.Interferons are named for their ability to "interfere" with viral replication by protecting cells from virus infections. IFNs also have various other functions: they activate immune cells, such as natural killer cells and macrophages; they increase host defences by up-regulating antigen presentation by virtue of increasing the expression of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) antigens. 

Interferon Beta is a very cheap drug produced which has been used for over 50 years with very little side effects completely safe and known to work.

Why has this not been used ?

Why has advice on boosting your immune system not been given ?

Vitamin C Vitamin D and Zinc are all vital to your immune system along with number of herbs that boost your immune system.

To learn about viruses below is part 1 of 28 videos produced by Prof Vincent Racaniello of Columbia University