Harmonic sideband capability along with the capability to produce the higher frequencies required in THE Q which make these sweeps we are discussing on this page possible.

We will now explain the significance of these sweeps and how they can be used to produce all of Dr. Rife’s frequencies, both known and unknown. Not only can it be used to produce Dr. Rife’s frequencies, both known and unknown, but these sweeps can produce the frequencies for many organisms that we do not have the frequencies for. This make these sweeps very advantageous to use.

Dr. Rife’s frequencies that he found which would devitalize the various micro-organisms ranged from 139,200 Hertz to 1,607,450 Hertz. These are also sub-harmonics of higher frequencies.

Philip Hoyland Using a fixed RF carrier frequency modulated with audio frequencies. Through the use of these audio frequencies which are modulated onto this RF carrier frequency, high frequency harmonic sidebands are created thus able to produce all of Dr. Rife's frequencies, through harmonic sideband frequencies, The audio frequencies ranged from 1,200 Hertz to 21,275 Hertz.

Every frequency of any organism that ranges from about 40,000 Hertz to 1,800,000 Hertz (1.8 MHz) could be multiplied up so that it would be within the range of this RF sweep. it would hit every one of Dr. Rife’s frequencies for the various micro-organisms. This sweep would also hit the frequency of any organism that was between about 40,000 Hertz to 1,800,000 Hertz. Since we know that the smallest of these organisms was the B.X cancer virus and it had the highest frequency (1,607,450 Hertz), it is reasonable to assume that all the rest of these organisms’ frequencies would be covered in this sweep. Also there are many organisms’ frequencies that have never been discovered but if they are somewhere between about 40,000 Hertz and 1.8 MHz (1,800,000 Hertz) then this sweep could with the use of other carrier frequencies also cover those frequencies.

This sweep would be very advantageous to use because Dr. Rife found 54 frequencies for many organism and they would most likely be in this same range. We only have 18 of these 54 frequencies because the rest were lost. We may not know what those frequencies are but if this sweep is used every one of these organism's frequencies could be hit during this sweep. Besides these 54 frequencies there are many organism's which we do not know the frequencies for that may be in this same frequency range. If this sweep is done over a period of 2 hours starting with 1 Hertz and going to 40,000 Hertz it would be on an organism’s window of vulnerability for about three minutes. Because the instrument can produce nearly one hundred harmonic sidebands it could hit each organism’s frequency over 20 times during this sweep.

With A square wave the harmonics from the square wave waveform will ride with or be distributed throughout the sidebands. If a 50% duty cycle is used you will only get odd harmonics from the square wave waveform but if a duty cycle greater than 50% is use, like 60%, both odd and even harmonics are created).

Because there are so many different organisms that cause different illnesses other carrier frequencies could be used with this same sweep method. Today it is known that there are some organisms which are smaller that the B.X. cancer virus. It is also known that there are several other organisms that also appear to cause cancer. One such well known organism is the Papilloma virus which is believed to cause cervical cancer. In Europe several other organisms have also been found to be linked to cancer. So it appears that the two frequencies (The BX and BY) which Dr. Rife found may not work on many other cancers that we have today. For this reason this sweep may be very important to those who have cancers which are not responding to Dr. Rife's BX and BY organism’s frequencies.

If per chance some of these new cancer organisms or other organisms frequencies were between 1.8 MHz (1,800,000 Hertz) to 4 MHz (4,000,000 Hertz) this sweep could be used with a 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, 2.9, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8 MHz carrier frequencies to cover anywhere in this range. Because the harmonic sidebands cover such a large frequency range (about 600,000 Hertz) these carrier frequencies would overlap so that no frequency of any organism would be missed. The primary carrier frequency that one would want to start with would be the 3.10 MHz or the 3.30 MHz followed by the other carrier frequencies that you may want to use. Those using this type of sweep would probably want to use the above carrier frequencies even though they are very close together. The reason for this is the power in the sidebands would be very powerful covering the 100,000 Hertz frequency span between each carrier frequency. This would insure that there was sufficient power in the sidebands.

With the fact that carrier frequency could be covered in 2 hours it would be possible to cover 4 to 6 different carrier frequencies in one day and then do another 4 to six on the second day followed by another 4 to 6 on the third day. This would give it 72 hours between each range covered and would make it so someone did not over do running the frequencies. By doing this a person make be able to have success where they otherwise may have failure.

This sweep can also be done with a gate frequency (any frequency from 75 Hertz to 1300 should work well).

This sweep could be run for 2, 4, 6, or even 8 hours or longer. If you are limited in time then the sweep range can be broken up. This sweep can be broken up according to the amount of time you have.

It is possible to do the 8 hour sweep at night with the instrument right next to your bed. Then you could sleep without wasting any of your day time hours.

NOTE - Use Caution!

These Sweeps has been reported to cause strong effects and reactions.

Flushing of the body with large amounts of clean, pure water is critical.

Anyone desiring to use the above described function should understand that they would be using this method at their own risk. We only give information here on this site and cannot be responsible for those who may want to try and use this method.