AMPLIFIER: To amplify means to enlarge or to expand with power. A device to magnify waves or sound. The amplifier in the Rife Frequency Instrument expands the wave of electronic emission so they will travel on a radio band (RF carrier frequency) of energy into the area being affected.

ANODE: The positive pole or electrode (metal hand cylinder) of a device. It is the positive electrode toward which the negative ions migrate.

AUDIBLE: That may be heard; perceivable by the ear; loud enough to be heard.

AUDIO FREQUENCY: Any frequency corresponding to a normally audible sound wave.

BLOOD TRANSFUSION: The transference of blood from one person to another.

CALIBRATE: To adjust to scale or standard any graduated instrument. To ascertain, usually by comparison with a standard, the locations at which scale graduations should be placed. To correspond to a series of values of the quantity which an instrument (such as the Rife Frequency Instrument) is to measure.

CARRIER WAVE: A radio frequency used to transmit a lower frequency, generally in the audio range of frequencies, through space.

CATHODE: In an electron tube an electrode through which a primary stream of electrons enters the inner electrode space. In essence, it is generally termed as a negative electrode (metal hand cylinder.

CAUSITIVE AGENT: The chemicals, acids, or micro-organisms (virus, fungi, bacteria) which are the causes of disease.

CONSTITUENT: Constituting or existing as an essential component or ingredient; forming, composing, or making as an essential part; component; elementary; as, oxygen and hydrogen are the "constituent" parts of water.

COORDINATIVE: To coordinate one thing with another. Such as, in the use of the Rife Frequency Instrument, where the frequency wave or resonance emitted, coordinated with the chemical negative power in the organism to destroy it with a coordinative resonation.

CULTURES: The propagation of micro-organisms or living tissue cells in a special media conducive to their growth.

DEVITALIZATION: The act of devitalizing or state of being devitalized.

DEVITALIZE: To deprive of vitality or the power to sustain vitality: to destroy, eliminate.

ELECTRON TRANSMISSION: The process applied in the transmitting of a media of light incident upon a radio wave. The act of transmitting a signal or frequency of an electro-magnetic pressure field. Sound and light are coincidental with an electron as being a motivating force or particle and an intricate segment of the atom nucleus.

ELECTROSTATIC ENERGY: A quantity of static electricity (or electricity at rest as distinguished from an electric current) that exists on an electrified surface of an insulating material or conductor. Better known as arrested electricity, which is controlled differently than regular electricity through currents.

ELECTRON: One of the smallest known particles having an electric charge. Its charge may be either positive or negative, according to its location within the atom. "Negative" electrons are located in the part of the atom outside the nucleus. "Positive" electrons are located within the nucleus. It is the positive" electrons (or "positrons") emitted from the Rife Frequency Instruments which are the devitalizing agent that destroys the micro-organisms (which are the causative agents of disease within the human body.)

FREQUENCY: Time spacing between emissions. An example: the frequency of vibration in a second to produce a given tone.

FREQUENCY BAND: A continous range of frequencies extending between two limiting frequencies.

FREQUENCY COUNTER: An instrument for counting the emissions given out by the instrument to a specific frequency in coordination with the frequency emitted from the chemical constituents of the micro-organism.

FUNGUS: A growth on the body (resembling a fungus - fungus meaning: anyone of a class of vegetable organisms of a low order of development, including mushrooms, toadstools, molds, etc.). A spongy mass of morbid granulation tissue.

HARMONIC MORTAL OSCILLATORY RATE: a band or wave of frequency resonance oscillating (vibrating) at a rate of speed coordinative with, or identical to, the resonance of the life of a specific micro-organism. (The resonance from the Instrument will destroy the micro-organism because this frequency wave (or resonance) emitted from the Instrument is of a "positive" nature and the coordinative resonance of the micro-organism is of a "negative" nature.

INTRAVENOUS: Situated within the vein or veins.

MALIGNANT: a tendency to go from bad to worse, virulent, the degree of pathogenicity of a micro-organism as indicated by case fatality rates and/or its ability to invade the tissues of the host or neighboring tissues.

MEDIA: A variety of minerals and combinations of materials used for cultivations of micro-organisms.

METABOLISM: To turn about, change, alter. The ,sum of all the physical and chemical processes by which living organized substance is produced and maintained, as in catabolism of cells.

NUCLEUS: Central part of any body; or that about which matter is collected.

OSCILLATORY RATE: The speed at which the frequency or resonant waves travel.

PATHOGENIC: Giving origin to disease or to morbid symptoms.

POSITRON: A nuclear particle located in the nucleus of the atom having the same mass as an electron and a positive charge equal in magnitude to the negative charge of an electron. The Rife Frequency Instrument is the only known system of positron emission under controlled measures. "Positron" is a synonym of "positive electron."


PRENATAL: Existing or occurring before birth.

PROBE: A resonant conductor which is placed in a wave-guide or cavity resonator for the purpose of inserting or withdrawing electro-magnetic energy.

RADIO WAVE: An electromagnetic wave used in radio. Specifically such a wave used in radio operations other than in radar or television.

RESONANCE: Vibrations that oscillate with greater amplitude at a frequency causing it to resonate. Example, if you resonate a tuning fork of a "C" pitch at one end of a room, when struck it will cause the resonation of another tuning fork of a "C" pitch at the other end of the room.

SOUND WAVE: An alteration in pressure, stress, particle displacement, particle velocity, which is propagated in an elastic material.

SPACE CHARGE: The net electric charge within a given volume. A negative charge in a vacuum tube resulting from electrons emitted from the cathode but not immediately drawn to the anode, therefore remaining in the space between the anode and cathode.

SUPER SUBSONIC BAND: Super means intense power. Subsonic means below, down, under, Band means wave, speed of travel. Super subsonic band means a speed less than the speed of sound; means "infrasonic" - a frequency lying below the speed of sound. The word infrasonic may be used as a modifier to signify employing or pertaining to infrasonic frequencies. Commonly called subsonic frequency.

TOXIN: In medicine, any poisonous albumin produced by bacterial action. The bacterial proteins resist the high temperature and seem to have the same properties in all bacteria, not, causing specific infection, but all alike causing fever, inflammation and suppuration; tuberculin is an example.

TRANSMISSION: The passage of energy from the transmitter to the receiver.

TUMOR: Swelling, morbid enlargement, a neoplasm, a mass of new tissue which persists and grows independently of its surrounding structures which has no physiological use.


Gating was used to shape the RF or high radio frequency sine wave waveform so that it had a high potential voltage rise on the leading edge. Sine waves do not have an instantaneous rise like a damped wave or a square wave. They rise like the rolling waves on an ocean. The original sine wave waveform was shaped into a damped waveform by using a single audio frequency of about 1330 Hertz.

So gating in the original equipment was only used to shape the sine wave waveform into a damped wave or a square wave waveform. Today gating is not used to shape the waveform as in the original equipment but it is used to add an additional pulse to the waveform by turning the waveform ON and OFF.

How gating works and how it adds an additional pulse to the waveform depending on the duty cycle of the gate. Not only can the gate duty cycle be adjusted but the cycles per second or Hertz can also be adjusted. By doing this it can vary the pulsing in the waveform.

If gating is used it will reduce the power output of any frequency being run. This power loss is in addition to the power lost with the square wave duty cycle. You only have 50% of the power in a frequency if you use a 50% duty cycle. This is due to the fact that 50% of the power is lost in the OFF time of the frequency. If you had an instrument that had a true RMS (RMS is true power) 50 watt output then you would lose 25 watts of energy because of the OFF time. There would be 50 watts of energy in the waveform, but only for the ON time.

Now if you use a 50% gate, you would lose an additional 50% more energy in the waveform. The 50% gating duty cycle would reduce the power in the waveform to 12.5 watts of energy.

For the reasons just explained gating should only be used if you really understand what it does and how it affects the power output of the frequency you are running. Most people use gating without understanding what it is and how it works. Usually there is sufficient pulsing in the square wave waveform without the use of gating due to the fact that the square wave waveform is already pulsing the frequency being used. If a person wants to try gating and see if it helps having a good understanding of how gating works will help them to choose a gate duty cycle and gate rate that may work the best.


Without this understanding of "Conduction" you really will not understand how contact devices work. From the encyclopedia we obtain the definition called "Conduction."

“Conduction in science is when energy moves from one place to another place. Heat and electricity are two kinds of energy that move by conduction. Something that energy can easily move through is a good conductor. Metal is a good conductor. An insulator is a bad conductor. Energy cannot move quickly through an insulator. Plastics are one kind of insulator.”

In simple easy to understand terms “Conduction” is the movement of energy or electricity on the surface of a good conductor such as metal. We will not discuss how heat penetrates from the outside, slowly to the inside, when you cook something in a typical oven because using electrical frequencies work differently.All electromagnetic frequencies are electrical. You cannot have one without the other.

There has been a great deal of debate as to whether Dr. Rife's frequencies can penetrate the human or animal skin via metal electrodes or hand cylinders. As far as it can be determined this "Skin Effect" myth was started by people who only believe that a plasma ray tube could deliver Dr. Rife's frequencies. In their attempt to persuade prospective customers from purchasing frequency generators, which use metal hand cylinders and footplates, they use the misinterpretation of the “Skin Effect” to try and convince people to only purchase ray tube instruments.

So the reader can understand what the “Skin Effect" really is we will give the scientific definition as explained by modern science.

SKIN EFFECT: “Skin effect is the tendency of an alternating electric current (AC) to become distributed within a conductor such that the current density is largest near the surface of the conductor, and decreases with greater depths in the conductor. The electric current flows mainly at the "skin" of the conductor, between the outer surface and a level called the skin depth. The skin effect causes the effective resistance of the conductor to increase at higher frequencies where the skin depth is smaller, thus reducing the effective cross-section of the conductor. The skin effect is due to opposing eddy currents induced by the changing magnetic field resulting from the alternating current. At 60 Hz in copper, the skin depth is about 8.5 mm. At high frequencies the skin depth becomes much smaller. Increased AC resistance due to the skin effect can be mitigated by using specially woven litz wire. Because the interior of a large conductor carries so little of the current, tubular conductors such as pipe can be used to save weight and cost.”

Anyone who carefully reads this scientific description can see that this definition of the “Skin Effect” deals with how electricity flows mostly near the outer surface of a solid electrical conductor, such as a metal wire. You will notice that this definition does not discuss any human skin or tissue. This is due to the fact that the human body is not made of conductive metal like a copper wire. It is also not a faraday cage. A faraday cage is made of metal and can keep frequencies from getting out or getting in depending on how it is used.

The problem is people are reading this "Skin Effect" definition and when they see the word “Skin Effect” they believe that this scientific definition is referring to human skin because of the use of the word "skin." Because of the word skin they have misunderstood the true definition of the “Skin Effect” and how it applies to a metal conductor. Yet, people misquote this definition and use it to describe how electrical current affects human skin including biological tissue even within the frequency range that Dr. Rife used on microorganisms.

Today those who misquote the "Skin Effect" generally heard about it by word of mouth from someone else. This incorrect understanding just keeps getting spread because people tend to believe what they are told rather than checking out the science for themselves. These misinformed people do not understand that scientific studies called “Bio-electrical impedancemetry" or "Bio-electrical lmpedance Analysis” tests have been done which show how electrical frequencies travel through human skin or tissue. These tests scientifically prove that the “Skin Effect” of a metal wire does not apply to human or animal skin or tissue within the frequency ranges Dr. Rife used. In fact it does not pertain to frequency ranges that are much higher than those used by Dr. Rife.

Now this incorrect interpretation has gone a step further and there are some people who believe the incorrect understanding of the “Skin Effect” also applies to ray tubes also. Here are two good examples of what people are writing because they do not understand the true “Skin Effect” definition. The first quote reveals they do not understand the correct meaning of the “Skin Effect.” The second quote reveals that they believe a ray tube using an RF carrier frequency, like Dr. Rife used, will not work due to the “Skin Effect.” For this reason they only use an audio frequency for a carrier frequency. We quote:

Quote 1: "The higher the frequency, the shallower the penetration. At frequencies above 1 MHz, skin effect will limit penetration to a fraction of an inch."

Quote 2: Because of the skin effect we now preset the carrier at about 45,000 Hz. Much research has been done proving that the higher the frequency, the more the current follows the outside of the body. Thus it is referred to as the skin effect.”

It can seen by these two quotes that the whole misunderstanding of the “Skin Effect” has gone from bad to worse. If the incorrect understanding of the “Skin Effect” was true then Dr. Rife would have never been able to accomplish what he did in devitalizing microorganisms with frequencies. This kind of incorrect understanding defies all logic and reasonable understanding.

Because of all of this conflicting information the only way to get a correct understanding of how electrical frequencies penetrate animal or human tissue we must go to the experts in this field who have done the scientific tests which reveal the truth. In this field there have been many tests done and they are called “Bio-electrical impedancemetry or Bio-electrical impedance Analysis (B.I.A.).” The reader can look these tests up on the internet. They are somewhat difficult to understand if you do not have a good understanding of how electricity works. But they all confirm the fact that frequencies will pass through human skin and travel deep into the body with the use of hand held ray tubes, metal electrodes or pads if the proper methods are used. What these scientific tests do prove is there is no such thing as the metal conductor “Skin Effect” when it comes to Human Skin or tissue within the frequency range that Dr. Rife used. These tests are quite lengthy and we cannot include all of them here in this chapter but we are providing the link below to one such scientific “Bio-electrical Impedance Analysis” report which will only take 10 or 15 minutes to read. This scientific report has simple explanations given at the end of each section, in layman’s terms, describing how frequencies penetrate biological tissue. These simple explanations are in blue type and explain to the reader the meaning of what has been discussed in that section.

This scientific report also has many descriptive diagrams showing how frequencies move through biological tissue such as human skin. This specific report was once on the internet several years ago but the author is unknown. The information contained in this report is not new and was taken from the work of Auguste Louis Thomasset. Click on the link below and read this scientific report:

The "Skin Effect" and Bio-electrical Impedance Analysis

This report should be read when reading this chapter. Understanding how frequencies go through biological tissue is the foundation of understanding how Dr. Rife accomplished his discoveries on devitalizing microorganisms. Without this foundation you can be mislead by the incorrect understanding of the “Skin Effect."

We will assume that the reader took the time to read this report. In simple terms this report shows that the incorrect description of the “Skin Effect” when it is applied to Dr. Rife's frequencies is scientifically incorrect and that the body is not a faraday cage. This scientific report shows there are limits to frequency penetration depending on whether a low frequency (5,000 Hertz) is used or a high frequency (1,000,000 Hertz or 1 MHz) is used. These limits only apply to human cell penetration not skin penetration.

Since Thomasset did his initial tests over 50 years ago there have been many more Bio-electrical Impedance Analysis tests done. These tests have been more extensive and have narrowed down the frequency ranges for cell penetration better than Thomasset's initial test. At a December 12-14, 1994 National Institutes of Health Technology Conference the following statements were made about frequency penetration. We quote:

First quote: "It is commonly assumed that a 50-kHz (50,000 Hertz) signal penetrates cell membranes and freely passes through all fluids. Unfortunately, this assumption is known to be false."

Second quote: "The electrical current passing through the body is primarily limited to electrolyte solutions; therefore, the only direct biological parameter measureable by BIA [Bio-Impedance Analysis] is related to the body's water content. At low frequencies (e.g., 1 kHz [1000 Hertz]), cell membranes impede [Stop] current flow through the intracellular space [Inside cells], whereas no such barriers limit extracellular (Space or connective tissue in between the cells) current flow. However, at higher frequencies (e.g., 100 kHz [100,000 Hertz]), the signal penetrates cell membranes and passes through all fluids [All connective tissue and cells]."

To read this complete report click here.

(Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis in Body Composition Measurement. National Institutes of Health, Technology Assessment Conference Statement, December 12-14, 1994).

This report shows that low frequencies (1 to 50,000 Hertz) will enter the body but only go through the connective tissue around the cells. Where high frequencies (100,000 Hertz and higher) will enter the body and go through the connective tissue and even penetrate the cells of the body. These additional Bio-Impedance tests show that a much lower frequency than 1 MHz (1,000,000 Hertz) will penetrate the cells of the body. Because of Thomasset's initial tests it was believed that a 1 MHz (1,000,000 Hertz) RF carrier frequency was needed when using frequencies below about 500,000 Hertz. With these new test reports we find that only frequencies below 100,000 Hertz really need to be used with a carrier frequency for full cell penetration. This indicates that a carrier frequency of 100,000 Hertz or higher could be used. The benefit of a 1 MHz or higher carrier frequency is that there is no resistance to the flow of the frequency through the tissues of the body.

All of these Bio-impedance reports show why it is necessary to use an RF or radio carrier frequency of at least 100,000 Hertz or higher when using low audio frequencies for full cell penetration. Audio frequencies are generally considered to be from 1 Hertz to about 50,000 Hertz which means there is no cell penetration. But as the frequencies go up from 50,000 to 100,000 Hertz cell penetration increases until at 100,000 Hertz full cell penetration is achieved.

It should be pointed out that these reports only deal with sine wave frequencies. All of the low audio frequencies (1 to 50,000 Hertz) that are used with Rife Technology are usually used with the square wave waveform. This waveform produces a great deal of square wave harmonics that can go high enough in the frequency range to have significant cell penetration even without an RF carrier frequency. When put on a spectrum analyzer the square wave harmonics drop off with each higher harmonic so that by the 9th harmonic the power is so minimal as to not be very significant. This indicates that frequencies below about 10,000 Hertz, even using the square wave waveform, probably would not have any significant cell penetration. When frequencies above 10,000 Hertz are used the higher harmonics of these frequencies could have full cell penetration.

These Bio-impedance tests now explain why Dr. Rife, when using sine wave frequencies, had full tissue and cell penetration with all of his frequencies which he used on the various microorganisms. His lowest RF frequency was 139,200 Hertz and this was for the Anthrax microorganism. Below is a chart which was taken from the Radio Frequency Radiation Dosimetry Handbook, page 60. This chart shows how deep frequencies will penetrate.

Dr. Rife also did tissue penetration tests with his machine to make sure that they would devitalize the microorganisms in the body. When they were testing the Rife Ray #4 horse meat was used. To read about this test conducted with the Rife Ray #4 click on the following link.

Rife Ray #4 horse meat penetration test

The chart shown above shows that the frequencies Dr. Rife found for the various microorganism are in the highest frequency penetration ranges. Dr. Rife used at least 50 watts RMS power with his ray tube machines. All of the scientific tests show that power and penetration are directly connected. The greater the power the greater the penetration into the tissue and cells of the body. Metal hand cylinder or "Pad" type machines vary in their power output ranges. Those "Pad" type frequency generators that have the higher power output ranges will penetrate deeper into the tissues of the body than those who use lower power ranges.

Most frequency generators only have about 1/5th of one watt power output. The reason for this is due to the fact that power levels higher than this will begin to cause the muscles to contract and lock up when using very low audio frequencies (1 Hertz to about 20,000 Hertz). The only way to overcome this limitation is to use an RF carrier frequency. Using an RF carrier frequency above 100,000 Hertz accomplishes three things. First, it overcomes the bodys ability to feel the frequencies and keeps the muscles from contracting and locking up. Second, it makes it so low audio frequencies (10,000 Hertz or less) can penetrate the cells. Three, it allows for power levels up to 150 times greater than the 1/5th of one watt power limitation that non-RF frequency generators have.

Because of these facts it would be wise to use an RF carrier frequency of at least 100,000 Hertz with all audio frequencies even if they are used with the square wave waveform.

In another scientific paper entitled “Absorption of RF Radiation” which was published by Harvard for their education courses we quote the following:

“Penetration depth is defined as the distance in which the power density decreases by a factor of e^-2 (13.5 percent), and is a function of frequency and tissue properties. At higher frequencies, fields penetrate much less than at lower frequencies. For example, at 2.45 GHz (microwave oven frequency), penetration depth in tissue is about 2.0 cm, while at 10 GHz, it is about 0.4 cm. At higher frequencies, any heating that occurs is primarily surface heating. Penetration depth for fat and bone is nearly five times greater than for higher-water-content tissues. At frequencies between 300 and 3000 MHz, electromagnetic energy can penetrate into more deeply situated tissues, making it especially desirable for therapeutic applications.

The frequency of maximal absorption is called the resonance frequency (for humans it is between 70 and 100 MHz), and depends on orientation with respect to the incident field. In general, the rule is that the shorter the subject, the higher the resonance frequency, and vice versa.”

Harvard report: Absorption of RF Radiation link

From this quote we find that you have to be up into the Gigahertz range of frequencies to have a true “Skin Effect” like a metal conductor with human skin and tissue. These scientific tests show that frequencies within Dr. Rife's frequency range do not travel on the surface of the human skin as people promoting the incorrect “Skin Effect” myth have claimed. We find from this report that even at the 300 to 3000 MHz range the frequencies will penetrate into more deeply situated tissues especially desirable for therapeutic applications. Last of all we find that frequencies between 70 and 100 MHz (70 to 100 million Hertz) are of maximum absorption in humans. These scientific reports completely dispel the “Skin Effect” myth that human tissue is the same as a metal conductor.