Charging the battery

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Here are two ways you can charge the battery with the towing vehicle while driving.

First one, the simple one, you just connect a wire to the positive terminal of the car battery, put a 30A fuse on the wire and connect it to the positive terminal of the trailer battery.

The negative from the trailer battery goes to the car ground.

This way both battery are charged while driving the car to your destination.

When you turn off the car, disconnect the trailer battery from the car battery to avoid discharging the car battery when you use the electricity in the trailer.

(click on the images to see them in full size)

The second method, a little more complicated, is to use a continuous duty solenoid. Make the connections like in the schematic bellow.

This way, you don't have to manually disconnect the battery when the towing car is not running. The solenoid will disconnect the battery automatically when you turn off your car.