July 4-6, 2012 - Cambria
Post date: Jul 14, 2012 7:22:33 AM
I don't have any pictures from it, but we spent the whole day on June 23 with Grandma Dee & Grandpa Greg, Mike & Candice and Gavin. We hung out at the house, then went to the Pizza Factory and back to the house for a mini birthday party for Mike (his birthday was the next day.) After we got back to my parents house and put the kids to bed, Bret went over to Mikes and hung out until 4 in the morning. They only get to do that every couple years so I'm glad they had some time together. Bret flew back to Fresno on the morning of the 4th. We went out to breakfast with Mike and Candice before we left for Cambria to visit Alan & Lynette. We got to stay in the new apartment/guest house that Alan built. It is so beautiful and I even sat out on the deck to feed Kara so I could enjoy the ocean view. After dinner we went to the Macedo's to watch the fireworks from their place. Now since we're used to Disneyland fireworks the girls weren't overly impressed, but I think it was a nice show, better than nothing. On Thursday we went to the beach because the girls have been asking for months about going to the beach. We drove to San Simeon but the sun was hiding behind the clouds all morning. It was kind of windy when we got to the beach and Laura said "it's a lot colder than I thought it would be." They played in the sand, which was nice and warm, and eventually braved the waves. Not really, but enough to walk out and then run in before the water really got them. Emma did take a little tumble and did a sort of side roll as the wave got her, then Bret scooped her up. She took a little break after that, then got a second wind. The girls loved filling their pails with sand and then dumping them out and Bret played right along side them. He even made them all into mermaids. We had worked hard digging a hole and all the girls hopped in and Bret filled it in so just their little heads were sticking out. It was so hard to get the sand off of them and it is still in their swimsuits. On Friday we drove to see the elephant seals and then played at the park that is right next to the ocean. I think Bret was on swing duty the entire time and he never once complained. We visited the Cambria historical museum and then got frozen yogurt on Main street. We had a great trip and really love the weather at the coast. Kara was an awesome baby the whole two weeks in California and just went along with whatever and where ever I was dragging her. And she continued sleeping through the night, makes mommy very happy. We're so thankful to be able to visit with family and to enjoy the beauties that the Lord has created for us.