April 8, 2012 - Emma Turns 3

Post date: Apr 18, 2012 6:39:46 AM

We celebrated Emma's birthday on Easter Sunday. She requested hot chocolate for breakfast (like she does every day). Kristen & Laura (with help from Dad) wrapped Emma's presents and hid them in the backyard. Emma loved looking for them and got a huge smile on her face when she would spot one. She opened her presents and then Dad headed off to church. I dropped off the girls for primary (wasn't ready to take Kara to church yet) and used the time that they were gone to fill the Easter eggs with quarters and hide them in the backyard. We color coded them this year so they would all find the same amount and it worked out really well. I was able to hide Kristen's in some more difficult spots so she wasn't done after 30 seconds. The girls had helped make the cake earlier and I frosted it while they were gone. Kara was perfect and slept the entire time so I was able to be super productive. After church (we're 1-4) Emma requested spaghetti for dinner. When Dad got home from church we did the Easter egg hunt. We ended the evening with chocolate cake. Emma has the best smile and always warms my heart. It's a good thing she just turned 3 because she seems way too grownup to be 2.