
Realtone SC-60

This is a powerful scientific calculator for all its unassuming looks and bulky body. They keyboard is terrible and prone to double- and triple-bounce, but maybe it wasn't always.

This was manufactured in Hong Kong, and labeled for sale by several companies including at least Realtone, Kings Point and MBO. MBO's version was also called the "Alpha II". A slightly better version, called the SC-6010 and boasting multiple STO/RCL memories instead of just 1 on the SC-60, was sold by both Kings Point and MBO, but I can't find mention of a Realtone SC-6010.

The construction is interesting. The keyboard is slanted above the logic board, and the hardwired NiCads were wedged between the boards, just under the display. A prior owner had removed the batteries from this one, but it still runs from a power supply providing 4.5V +tip.

For those that care about such things, and since you won't find much info about this calculator elsewhere, it uses three chips: MOS MCS2525-004, MCS2526-005, and MCS2526-004. The forensic result is 9.08210803.

I found a references to the Kings Point SC-40 (a slightly less powerful machine) in the December 1974 "Popular Mechanics", showing it priced at $150. I assume this SC-60 originally had a somewhat higher price tag.