Synonyms Test

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PRACTICE VERBAL TEST (Synonyms and Antonyms)

This test tests your knowledge of the English Language by the use of synonyms and antonyms. Some employers use similar tests as part of their selection procedures and this test will give you some idea of what to expect.

A synonym is simply a word which is identical in sense and usage with another, for example fast is a synonym of quick.

An antonym is a word which is of contrary meaning to another - hot is an antonym of cold.

Example questions

Which of the following 3 words is the synonym or antonym of "Easy"?

  • Soft

  • Difficult

  • Spacious

Which of the following 3 words is the synonym or antonym of "Closed"?

  • Clear

  • Finished

  • Shut

The answers to the examples are as follows:

  • Easy - the answer is of course "Difficult" because difficult is the opposite (antonym) of easy.

  • Closed - the answer is "Shut" because shut has a similar meaning (synonym) to closed.

The test has 39 questions and you will have 7 minutes to do them if you wish to compare your score with others who have taken this test, set a timer on your watch or phone. In the test you will not be told which words are synonyms and which are antonyms.

If you are doing this test on a mobile phone, please try the version here which is adapted for small screens.

When you have finished the test click on "Get Your Score" and then navigate back to this page.


As mentioned before, this test is for practice only, so you should not regard your result as of importance chiefly because the test was not taken under proper test conditions. Your performance can also be distorted if you have a cold, or have not slept well. International students or those from ethnic minorities may be disadvantaged in this type of test, due to language and cultural differences. If your first language is not English, your score is likely to be lower on such verbal tests than native English speakers. Your degree subject may change your performance: scientists may do better on mathematical tests and Humanities students on verbal tests.


  • 31 or above. This is an above average score compared to UK graduates who have taken the test.

  • 27 - 30. This is in the average group compared to UK graduates who have taken this test.

  • Under 27. This is below the typical score of UK graduates who have taken the test, but a number of factors may have distorted your score, see above for some of these.


S = Synonym (Similar meaning), A = Antonym (contrary meaning)

Question Answer

1 follow lead A

2 fresh stale A

3 cargo freight S

4 fable tale S

5 respect esteem S

6 juvenile adult A

7 leisure work A

8 permit prohibit A

9 journal magazine S

10 auspicious promising S

11 striped plain A

12 simple complex

13 sketch drawing S

14 hollow solid A

15 doubt certainty A

16 verse prose A

17 avenue road S

18 piece fragment S

19 infringe violate S

20 tidy unkempt A

21 conscious insensible A

22 obscure transparent A

23 gauge measure S

24 disparage belittle S

25 misapprehend understand A

26 spurious genuine A

27 transient temporary S

28 disparate different S

29 ostensible apparent S

30 undaunted discouraged A

31 saturnine cheerful A

32 panegyric eulogy S

33 pacific aggressive A

34 lachrymose tearful S

35 extirpate destroy S

36 felicity sadness A

37 vilify revile S

38 sanguine pessimistic A

39 contiguous touching S