Crime and Murder Mysteries

The ship thief

A Japanese ship was in the open sea. The captain went for a shower leaving his Rolex watch on the table. When he returned, his watch was missing. The captain immediately called the five suspected crew members and asked each one where and what he was doing for the last 15 minutes.

The cook in a heavy overcoat said, 'I was in the refrigerated room getting meat for cooking.'

The engineer with a torch in hand said, 'I was working on the generator.'

The seaman said, 'I was at the mast correcting the flag which was upside down by mistake.'

The radio officer said, 'I was messaging the company to say that we'll reach port in 72 hours. From now, that's Wednesday morning at 10 AM.'

The navigator said, 'I'm on night watch, so I was sleeping in my cabin.'

Who was the thief?

Sherlock Holmes


One morning, Holmes and Watson decided to go for a walk in Hyde Park where they saw a crowd that had gathered around the dead body of a lady.

Holmes examined the body and found a handbag beside it which identified her and where she lived. Her name was Agnes and he telephoned her home.

Her husband answered. 'I'm afraid I have to tell you that your wife is dead', said Holmes “I'm deeply shocked”, replied the husband. 'Please come immediately', demanded Holmes.

The husband replied, 'I shall' and hung up.

After about 20 minutes the husband reached the crime scene, saw his dead wife’s body and began sobbing. Holmes looked at the police officer who had arrived and said, 'Arrest this man, he is the murderer'.

How did Holmes know?


The code

A detective who was just days away from cracking an international oil smuggling ring has suddenly gone missing. While inspecting his last-known location, officers found a note:

710 57735 34 - 5508 51 7718.

Currently, there are 3 suspects: Bill, John, and Dave. Can you break the detective's code and find the criminal's name?

The suicide

A dead body is found at the bottom of a multi-storey building on a cold winter's day. Seeing the position of the body, it is evident that the person jumped from one of the floors, committing suicide.

A homicide detective is called to look after the case. He goes to the first floor and walks in the room facing the direction in which the body was found. He opens the window in that direction and flips a coin towards the floor. Then he goes to the second floor and repeats the process. He keeps on doing this until he reaches the last floor. When he climbs down, he tells the team that it is a murder not suicide.

How did he come to know that it was murder?

The funeral

A woman was attending her mother’s funeral where she met a man. She was very attracted to the man and became obsessed with getting to know him. As she was making her rounds she realized she hadn’t got the man's name or number, but when she went to find him, he had already left.

A week later, she murdered her older brother to find the man.



The ship thief.

The thief was the seaman. They are on a Japanese ship, so it will bear a Japanese flag which looks the same upside down.

Sherlock Holmes

The husband reached the body without asking Holmes for the location.

The code

Bill is the suspect, if read upside down the numbers read "Bill is Boss - He sells oil."

The suicide

None of the windows were open. If the person jumped, who closed the window?

The funeral

So the man would attend the funeral again.