Homonyms test

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Homonyms are words that sound the same but have different meanings, for example fair (light skinned) and fair (reasonable). Homophones are a type of homonym that also sound the same and have different meanings, but also have different spellings, for example aloud and allowed.

Many homonyms and homophones are commonly confused in CVs, covering letters and application forms. This seems to be stemming from the use of on-line thesauruses in word-processors, when an applicant will try to replace a short word, with a more impressively sounding longer word, but without quite understanding its precise meaning!

Example questions

Which of the following 2 words means approximately the same as "Listened to"?

  • Herd

  • Heard

Which of the following 2 words means approximately the same as "Success in an examination"?

  • Passed

  • Past

The answers are as follows:

  • Listened to - the answer is "Heard" as this means approximately the same as "Listened to".

  • closed - the answer is "Passed" as this means approximately the same as "Success in an examination".

The test has 55 questions and you will have 7 minutes to do them, so set a timer on your watch or phone if you would like to compare yourself to other people who have taken this test. At the end of the test you will be given a score. In the test you will not be told which words are synonyms and which are antonyms.


When you have finished the test click on "Get Your Score" and then navigate back to this page.

What your score means

This test is for practice only, so you should not regard your result as of importance chiefly because the test was not taken under proper test conditions. Your performance can also be distorted if you have a cold, or have not slept well. International students or those from ethnic minorities may be disadvantaged in this type of test, due to language and cultural differences. If your first language is not English, your score is likely to be lower on such verbal tests than native English speakers. Your degree subject may also change your performance: scientists may do better on mathematical tests and Humanities students on verbal tests.

If you are using a mobile phone or touch screen, you may take longer to complete the test.


  • 51 or above. This is an above average score for UK graduates.

  • 46 - 50. This is in the average group compared to other UK graduates.

  • 45 or below. This is below the typical score for UK graduates.


There may be several possible definitions for some of words, just one of which is usually given here. For other or more detailed definitions try the Cambridge On-line Dictionary

1) CORRECT ANSWER Course mark; Grade
WRONG ANSWER Grayed: Turned gray

2) CORRECT ANSWER To change: Alter
WRONG ANSWER Altar: Place of worship

3) CORRECT ANSWER Belonging to us: Our
WRONG ANSWER Are: Form of "to be"

4) CORRECT ANSWER Extremely good: Great
WRONG ANSWER Grate: To rub together or fireplace

5) CORRECT ANSWER Classes in a particular subject: Course
WRONG ANSWER Cause: Reason

6) Split: Break
Brake Stopping device

7) To assist: Aid
Aide An assistant

8) Method: Manner
Manor: House of a lord

9) If: Whether
Weather Meteorological events

10) Think again: Review
Revue Series of songs or sketches

11) Past tense of to teach: Taught
Taut Stretched tight

12) Part: Piece
Peace Calm, not war!

13) Being in a place: Presence
Presents Gifts

14) Narrative: Story
Storey Level of a building

15) Not curved: Straight
Strait Waterway

16) Remained : Stayed
Staid Boring

17) Established course of action Precedent
President Commander

18) Uninterested Bored
Board Plank

19) Primary Main
Mane Animal hair

20) School period Lesson
Lessen Decrease

21) The present time Current
Currant Berry

22) Computer instructions Program
Programme Plan of activities

23) Introduction to a book Foreword
Forward Opposite of backward

24) Suitable amount Commensurate
Commiserate Show sympathy

25) Calmness Composure
Composer Writer of music

26) Agree Assent
Ascent Climb

27) Precis Summary
Summery Like Summer

28) To change Affect
Effect Result

29) Ability to wait Patience
Patients Doctor's customers

30) Two parts Dual
Duel Fight between two people

31) Preliminary text Draft
Draught A wind or depth of water

32) Computer position indicator Cursor
Curser Person who swears

33) Sequence Serial
Cereal Food grains

34) Advise Counsel
Council Group of politicians

35) Get support Canvass
Canvas Cloth

36) Money Capital
Capitol US Government Building

37) Combine well with something Complement
Compliment Praise

38) Previously Formerly
Formally Officially

39) An equal Peer
Pier A wharf

40) Pens and paper Stationery
Stationary Not moving

41) Spoken Oral
Aural Of hearing

42) Understanding Insight
Incite Provoke

43) Keeping secret Discreet
Discrete Separate

44) Get information Elicit
Illicit Illegal

45) Basic meaning Literal
Littoral Of the shoreline

46) A rule Principle Principal
School or college head

47) Way between places Route
Rout Make run away

48) Occurring every two years Biennial
Biannual Occurring twice a year

49) Willingness to please Complaisant
Complacent Satisfied with the situation

50) Censur Upbraid
Abrade Rub or scrape

51) Ruffled pride Pique
Peek Look quickly

52) Place There
Their Belonging to them

53) Study carefully Pore
Pour To make flow

54) Inscribe Write
Wright Maker

55) Make a mistake Err
Air What we breath