Number puzzles

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Answers to the following puzzles are at the bottom of the page

The locked door

A man wanted to get into his office, but he had forgotten the code to open the door.


However, he did remember five clues as follows:

  • The fifth number plus the third number equals fourteen.

  • The fourth number is one more than the second number.

  • The first number is one less than twice the second number.

  • The second number plus the third number equals ten.

  • The sum of all five numbers is 30.

What were the five numbers and in what order? The answer unlocks the attachment which you can download here. You will then need to enter the code to unlock the file

The sorcerer's tower

sorcerer's tower

A sorcerer’s decided to build a great tower for his overlord the king. This was enchanted so that it was able to build itself. Bricks, slates, tiles, and panes of glass, all flew to it of their own accord and danced into position. The tower doubled in size every day until after 100 days it reached such a height that provided magnificent views over the entire kingdom.

How many days did the tower take to reach half its full height?

The four-digit number

There is a four digit number

The first digit is one-third of the second,
The third is the sum of the first two,
The last is three times the second.

What is the number?

Find the missing number

7 + 3 = 410

9 + 6 = 315

2 + 1 = 13

6 + 5 = ?

Decode the following equation

number puzzle

and it tasted delicious!

Decode the following

For example, 24 H in a D = 24 Hours in a Day

  1. 7 D of the W = ?

  2. 5 T on a F

  3. 100 P in a P

  4. 52 C in a P

  5. 64 S on a C B

  6. 6 B in an O

  7. 7 W of the W

  8. 206 B in the B

  9. 8 P in S S

  10. 90 D in a R A

  11. 8 T on an O

  12. 3 W on a T

Two mothers and two daughters

Two Mothers and two daughters walk into a shop. They each buy something for ÂŁ1 but they only spent ÂŁ3 in total.

How can this be?

The tall man

A man named Bill was particularly tall, 6 feet 4 inches to be precise and was of medium build. He was an assistant at the local butcher's shop and wore size 12 shoes. What did he weigh?


Move 1 match to mend the following equation



The locked door

Try unlocking the attachment to see if you are correct! If you still have problems, email me at

The four digit number


The sorcerer's tower

99 days!

Find the missing number

111 The first digit in the answer is formed by taking the second number from the first (6 - 5 = 1).

The second (and third) digit is formed by adding together the first and second number in the question (6 + 5 = 11).

Decode the equation

i ate some pie!

the square root of -1 is i (imaginary number)

2 cubed is 8 (ate)

The third symbol is the sum symbol

And the final symbol is Pi (pie)

Decode the following

  1. 7 days of the week

  2. 5 toes on a foot

  3. 100 pennies in a pound

  4. 52 cards in a pack

  5. 64 squares on a chess board

  6. 6 balls in an over (in cricket)

  7. 7 wonders of the world

  8. 206 bones in the (human) body

  9. 8 planets in the solar system (if we no longer include Pluto)

  10. 90 degrees in a right angle

  11. 8 tentacles on an octopus

  12. 3 wheels on a tricycle

Two mothers and two daughters

They are a grandmother, mother and daughter

The tall man




Move a match from the left of the 6 to the top of the second four to make 9 is the simplest solution. You can also make 0+4=4 or, if you are a mathematician: 5+4 does not equal 4 by making the 'not equal to' sign with the extra match.