Press and Web

May 2020

La pensée russe

(page 47)

C праздником Победы

April 2020

Миков Павел Владимирович

Уполномоченный по правам человека в Пермском крае :

Уполномоченный по правам человека в Пермском крае :

Соликамск ТВ

Возвращение "Маленького принца". Фестиваль "Дружат дети всей планеты"

КРайТВ (Krai TV)

"Основатель Ассоциации «Все для Кунгура» Элен Тексье приехала в Россию с театральной постановкой"

(Сюжет о нас С 10 минуты 04)

Echo de l'Indre- La Marseillaise

February 2019

august 2018

КРайТВ (Krai TV)

(Сюжет о нас С 5 минуты 14 секунды до 11 минуты 51 с)

January 2018

Муниципальное образование «Городской округ город Кунгур» Пермского края

КРайТВ (Krai TV)

Krai TV ( 18 min 30)


January 2017

L'observateur russe

"Усыновление в России: тернистый путь к счастью"

Мария Чобанов


December 2016

КРайТВ (Krai TV)

Krai TV ( 4 min )

«Комсомольская правда»- Komsomolckaya pravda

"500 маленьких французов хотят переписываться с детьми из Прикамья"

Марина Шнайдер


July and August 2016

В Пермском крае завершился международный фестиваль «Дружат дети всей Земли»

Управление культуры, молодежной политики и спорта администрации г. Кунгура

Международный Фестиваль «Дружат дети всей Земли» проходит в Пермском крае с 22 по 29 июля 2016 года


Фестиваль "Дружат дети всей земли" – проект ассоциации "Pour Kungur", объединившей французские семьи...

Chaikovski region

Сохранить русские корни

27 июля в Чайковском состоится фестиваль «Дружат дети всей земли»


Французы привезли в Кудымкар "приветы" от сирот, усыновленных европейцами

Коми-Пермяцкий национальный драматический театр

«Дружат дети всей земли»

СМИ 59 Региона

В Пермском крае стартует международный фестиваль «Дружат дети всей Земли"

Кунгур-край Новости ( Kungur Krai news)

Михаил Шемякин оказал гостям из Франции честь, став поручителем фестиваля «Дружат дети всей Земли» в Пермском крае

информационное молодежное агентство

(Youth information agency)

В Перми идет подготовка к фестивалю «Дружат дети всей земли»


April and may 2016

В Kурсе Пермь - VKurse Perm

Французы собрали средства для пострадавших от паводка в Прикамье


«Русский очевидец»

"Solidarité - Inondations"

Новости Кунгурского края

("The new adventures of the french people in Russia")


«Комсомольская правда»

(" French people came with their children adopted in Kungur to show them the snow and our Christmas father" )

Марина Шнайдер

Искра Кунгур

" Surprise for The new year from France: Texier family came with cards from children adopted in Kungur"

Марина Ларина

«В Kурсе Пермь»

("An ex- Kungur pensionary want to be president of France" )

December 2015

КРайТВ (Krai TV)

Krai TV ( à 8 min 40)

May 2015

Пермская краевая газета «Звезда» (Perm)

("Hélène and the boys")


Искра Кунгур ( de Kungur)

("The volunters work for the Kungur Baby home playground")

Марина Ларина

April 2015

КРайТВ (Krai TV)

Reportage on Krai TV (à 26 min 14)

«Комсомольская правда» (Perm)

("A French couple brings 200 letters of happy children adopted in 9 countries")


Искра Кунгур ( Kungur)

("Hélène y los children. The french family Texier speaks about her creative projects for Kungur")

Par Марина Ларина

February 2015

L'observateur russe

"Apprendre les uns des autres"

("Learn from each other")

КРайТВ (Krai TV)

Krai TV ( 4 min 40)

December 2014

La Nouvelle République

September 2014

Emission Assolistiq on Radio Balistiq

( podcast)

Interview Hélène Texier 17th september

July 2014

La Nouvelle République

"Retrouvailles émouvantes à Gargilesse"

Mai 2014

Пермская краевая газета «Звезда»


("About love") Traduction in french HERE

April 2014

La Nouvelle République

February 2014

La Nouvelle République

"Orphelins de Kungur: Le projet sur de bons rails"

Новости Кунгурского края (" Kungur region news")

" В Кунгуре для Дома ребенка семьи со всего мира собирают деньги на новый микроавтобус"

Par Светлана ПЕРМИНОВА

French translation HERE

January 2014

"L'Observateur russe"

"Un sapin pour les enfants adoptés"

Maria Krasnikova - traduction Cécile Douziech

"L' Echo du Berry"

Frederic Merle

November 2013

RCF radio

October 2013

"La Nouvelle République"

"5000€ pour les enfants orphelins russes de Kungur"


РИА Новости - Ria Novosti

Par Виктория Иванова

August 2013

"La Nouvelle République"

"Le Gargilesse Band en scène Pour Kungur"

Victoria Ivanova's article has been picked up by many russian sites of informatons and in the press review of the site Usynovite (site of the Russian ministry of education). This is great news as it is seen by Russians who are considering adoption and it may inspire them!

Translation in english:

Title: To Russia with love: a French family of adopted children Kungur

PARIS, May 31 - RIA Novosti, Victoria Ivanova.

The distance from Paris to Kungur is about five thousand kilometers. First you have to fly a few hours by plane to Perm with a change in Moscow, and then another two hours to travel by bus. Frenchwoman Hélène Texier came this way six times, three times coming to Perm.

Neither distance nor borders, nor difference in the weather conditions stopped Helene and her husband Jean-Sebastian. In 2007 they found their children in Russia - a girl and a boy were looking for Reliability.

"Our dossier was approved Perm, and the ministry, which is responsible for the adoption, offered us the orphanage in Kungur. We saw the children and immediately fell in love with them. When we met, the search was four years old, and three. Despite her age, the girl still did not speak, and went just babbled like a little kid. And while we were going through the adoptions and all the necessary procedures she said her first word! It was a real happiness, "- says Helen, unable to hold back the excitement.

Symbolically, the Texier family lives in Chateauroux, the hometown of the famous French actor, and now a citizen of Russia Gerard Depardieu. At Helene and Jean-Sebastien own a house and garden, where their children are walking. And from time to time in Chateauroux are children's plays and concerts that Helene and her husband - the teachers at the school dance - help organize .

Step Forward

Iskan and Nadege have grown remarkably and speak French, but do not forget the orphanage from which they came to France. In many respects it is a merit of their parents.

"We immediately fell in love with not only our children, but also those who gave their time when they did not have parents - the staff of children's homes. These unusual people - there is no anger, excessive self-pity. They take the children into their arms, hugging and kissing. We, frankly, expected that the employees would complain about the conditions in which they work, but no "- continues the story of Helene.

Warm feelings experienced by Helene orphanage to Kungur, pushed her to the idea of ​​a gift. "We have teamed up with other families from different countries, who also have adopted children in Kungur, and prepared for the New Year album with drawings, photographs and kind words from us and our children. Hail the Internet - thanks to this I was able to find about 30 families from the United States , Ireland, Spain, Canada, France, who also participated in the creation of this album, "- says Helene.

The answer to the parcel took almost a year. But after a while Helen received a package from Kungur - a box of chocolates and a Christmas card. And since then, between the French and Russian children's home family started a real friendship.


"We sent an album of photographs from the celebration of Easter, and told how we celebrate Easter , and we sent out the Kungur story about Orthodox Easter. Our packages have helped those kiddies who still live in an orphanage. They say: Do not be afraid to go out of Kungur, just beyond the gates of the orphanage, is also good. It is also useful for our children - we tell them, 'Look, this is your hometown. "And it's very simple. This requires no money, nothing - you need only the desire of the heart and a bit of time, "- says Helen.

Then a new idea: those kids that were already adopted wrote letters to the remaining children in the orphanage.

"It's such a joy for the child - to know that the letter was only to him, and that only he would answer it. Know that somewhere there is a friend of his, who wonders what you do, how do you relax ..." says Helen. Her son akes part in the correspondence. He wrote to a Russian boy named Sasha. By the way, one of these letters Sasha told me that he and his two sisters will soon be living in a family.

But the correspondence and the exchange of photographs is also not limited to the case.

"In 2009, we established an association with the orphanage Kungura. It's called - Pour Kungur," . "In addition to sharing photos with children's home, we wanted to do something really big and important to them. For example, buy a minivan . This would transport the children to school, performances, tours, competitions. Now they rely on a small car, but the bus will give them freedom ... And the leaders of the orphanage agreed to such a gift. Together we chose the bus and began to look for money for it. We need to raise 35 thousand euros (about 1.4 million rubles). Firstly, in Kungur there is a lot of snow in winter, and they needed a transport that would cope with this. Secondly, you could buy a second-hand bus, and it would cost less but then it would take money to fix it. Now we organize auctions, send money from our families, we get sponsors, but this story is not over yet, and we still continue to collect the money ... "- says Helen, and her words show the desire to help and at the same time, the confidence that a big project yet completed the acquisition of the long-awaited transport.

Adopting children from Russia - as it is now?

We talk about the steps that can be taken regarding the adoption of Russian children by the French after the adoption of the law on the legalization of gay marriage, Helene makes a long face.

"The adoption of children in Russia - this is a very complex process. Russians find it hard to send their children to other countries. And I heard that Russia might reconsider its attitude towards the adoption of children by foreigners ... in this way, Russia may punish children and families who would become their families. The adoption of children to foreigners has a lot of criteria that differ from country to country. This is the age and income, and the term of the marriage between the prospective parents. And we should probably ask a question about these criteria - the parents of compliance with these rules. I do not know in what countries can do homosexual couples to adopt children. South Africa somewhere, maybe in Brazil.'s all. And in other countries, adoption of children by same-sex unions are banned.

For two children, born in Russia, Frenchwoman Hélène became a real mother. And she does not seek to take away their memories of their native country, on the contrary, does a lot to help Nadege and Iskan remember their country. And as the best guide to action - it's a personal example, I hope that the family Texier succeed.


April 2013

«ЭКШН» (Perm- Russia)

Pages 16 - 17

"Амур пур Кунгур"

Youri Vaguine


Voice of Russia

Pour aider les enfants de Kungur

Par Laurent Brayart

Photos gallery about "Pour Kungur" on " Voice of Russia":


March 2013

"Pour Kungur: Un hommage aux femmes de l'orphelinat"

Par Maureen Demidoff


January 2013

19 janvier 2013...Christmas party at Russian embassy in Paris, for adopted children


..."Associations performing humanitarian work in Russia were invited to attend this Christmas celebration. The association “ Pour Kungur” has been created by a group of families who have or who are in the process of adopting children from Kungur Baby Home, in the Perm Region of Russia. Through this association, a strong friendship between adoptive families and staff of the Baby home was established. The exchanges between families and the baby home are also a huge psychological support for families and adopted children.Helene Texier, president of the association says that whatever the age at which the child has been adopted, it is important for children to continue to have contact with the Russian language, to maintain a link with their homeland and to study and learn about the history and culture of their country of origin.

At present, the Association "Pour Kungur" is working to raise funds for the purchase of a minibus for the child home. "...


L'Echo du Berry


Interview Radio RCF


December 2012

L'Echo - La Marseillaise

"Cinq ans après l'adoption, ils n'ont pas oublié le dévouement des nounous russes"

Par Philippe Roch


November 2012

La Nouvelle République

"Un petit geste pour les enfants de Kungur"

