-!!! Solidarity- Floods !!!

!!!Solidarity – Floods!!!

The Perm region has experienced large flooding since mid April.


The towns of Kungur and Kudimkar have been flooded by the waters .

These 2 cities has been in a state of emergency from 18th and 25th april.

The levels of the rivers Silva and Irene went down, but the ground water is rising and invading the houses, uprooting trees and destroying vegetable gardens .


Thus, the basement of Kungur baby home has been flooded and is emptied 2 times per day by the rescue teams.

These 2 cities have suffered extensive damage . Some families have lost everything.

The population is in need of support, we will help!

In partnership with the local association “Kungur-Territory of kindness”, and its president, Olga Vchichkova, with whom we have collaborated for several years to support Kungur baby home, we are launching a call for solidarity.

Please send your donation specifying “Solidarity Flood”.

Of course, we will keep you informed of our actions.

Contact :


You want to help: Donation

Last news:

27th april:

Russian web site "твой кунгур" speaks about our plan of solidarity

Французы, собирают средства в дом “Малютки”, а также семьям, которые пострадали от паводка

Kungur krai TV, 28th april

(between 1min 46 and 5 min 34)

The "russian observer annunce our plan

"Solidarity - floods"

First May

May 2016 ...The first houses we help...

Article in Perm about our help - By Marina Shneider

"Комсомольская правда"


July 2016

We helped 25 families and a school.

Our visit to some of them : http://pourkungurperm3.canalblog.com/archives/2016/08/01/34143399.html