Aníbal Troilo

Aníbal Troilo "Pichuco"

(July 11, 1914-May 18,1975)

Aníbal Troilo (Pichuco) is almost mythical in tango. As a small child he was mesmerized by the sound of the bandoneón coming from the cafes. He persuaded his mother to buy one for him when he was 10. They found one for 140 pesos, to be paid in 14 stallments, but after the fourth payment, the shopkeeper died and no one ever claimed the rest. He played almost his whole life with that same bandoneón. (Pinsón)

Troilo and the bandoneón became one. He played with complete emotion. He personified the very essence of tango.His facial expressions while playing are legendary. People stood in line to dance to his music. He was responsible for what was termed 'The Troilo Sound' - a very rich and distinctive sound that juxtaposed staccato and legato figures. Troilo hired the very best musicians of his day and his Orquesta Tipica was the favorite of dancers during the Golden Age of tango. He was known for his instrumental tangos. Troilo played the bandoneón with such feeling that he is revered as the greatest player ever of the instrument. [Lavocah]

"It is said that I am very often moved and that I cry. Yes, it is true. But I never do these things for trivial reasons." Troilo

"Fue un 18 de mayo, ese día al bandoneón, se le cayó Pichuco de las manos." Adrián Desiderato

[It was on an eighteenth day of May when the bandoneon happened to let Pichuco fall from its hands.]

About two blocks from Confitería Ideal in Buenos Aires at Maipú 359, there is a plaque that reads: "Here from the late 30's until the late 80's, was the famous tango salon, Marabou." It was here that Troilo debuted his Orchestra Tipica on July 1, 1937, and Club Marabou became his main venue.At the entrance to the salon, there was a sign saying: "Everyone at Marabou, where Pichuco and his orchestra play, will dance and make good tangos". Elortiba

My personal favorite Troilo tango is "Milongueando en el '40." Here is a local dance contest at one of our favorite tango salons, Plaza Bohemia. Everyone on the dance floor is dancing the traditional salon tango, typical of Buenos Aires tango. May 30, 2012, Plaza Bohemia Tango (Milonga La Mondonguito) organizer Silvia Dopacio.


Aníbal Troilo. (2016, February 5). Wikipedia. accessed March 24, 2016.

Aníbal Troilo: The Definitive Guide to the Tango Legend. VeryTango accessed March 25, 2016.

Aníbal Troilo: The Official Site. accessed April 12, 2016.

Aníbal Troilo: El Bandoneón Mayor de Buenos Aires (1914-1975). (Spanish). accessed April 12, 2016.

Lavocah, M. (2013). Tango stories: Musical secrets. Norwich: Milonga Press.

Néstor Pinsón. Biography of Aníbal Troilo. accessed March 24, 2016.