El Cachafaz

"El Cachafaz" (Benito Bianquet) 1885-1942

Robert Farris Thompson translates "El Cachafaz" as "He who could give a damn about making an impression." Benito Bianquet lived up to his nickname. He was as much a bar room brawler as a dancer, and his scarred face showed the results ofhis lifestyle. He was by far the best tanguero of the early 20th Century.He danced in an age when the great dancers would stage dancing duels, and he defeated all of the great dancers of his day.

The video clip below shows his quick footwork.



Thompson, Robert Farris. Tango: The Art History of Love

Todo Tango: The Artists: The Dancers. http://www.todotango.com/english/creadores/cachafaz.asp