

According to Thompson, turn of the Century Buenos Aires had an idiom for being stood up: el esquinazo. As the bandoneonista di Giorgio explains: "You tell a mina, I'll meet you at such-and-such-a-corner (esquina). She doesn't show--- you're 'hit by the corner' (le dió un esquinazio), you're stood up." Ángel Villoldo titled a tango with this colorful term.

It is known that such was his rage back in 1903, when it played at the restaurant of the Park February 3, popularly known as the "Hansen" customers often accompanied taps second time with beats hands or feet , which soon became strokes of teaspoons of coffee cups and finally blows plates, chairs or whatever was at hand, the place was a misery every night, until the owner decided to exhibit at War :

"Forbidden execution tango" the slip "caution in using this please. The owner".


Nada me importa de tu amor,

¡golpeá nomás! (golpes)

el corazón me dijo

que tu cariño fue una falsía.

No llames más, no insistas más,

yo te daré (golpes)

el libro del recuerdo,

para que guardes las flores del olvido

porque vos lo has querido

el esquinazo te doy.

Fue por tu culpa que he tomado otros caminos

sin tino,

vidita mía;

jamás pensé que llegaría este momento

que siento

la más terrible realidad.

Tu ingratitud me ha hecho sufrir

un desencanto

si tanto te quería,

mas no te creas que por eso guardo encono,


tu más injusta falsedad.-