The Code

The Code (Codigos)

The Codes are unwritten rules that developed in the dance halls during the Golden Age of Tango from the 1930’s through the 1950’s. The purpose of these rules was to make the dance safe and enjoyable for everyone. A more complete description of the code can be found at 10 Principals of Floorcraft and at

1. Line of dance: The dance moves counter-clockwise around the floor. Salon Tango includes a lot of elegant walking and less adornments than stage tango. There are several lanes of dance on a crowded dance floor, with the outside lane moving the fastest. It is the responsibility of the lead to follow this line of dance, filling empty space in front, but not tailgating the couple ahead of you. Generally, about two steps from the couple in front is acceptable.

2. Stay in control and respect the space of others: On a crowded dance floor, ganchos and high kicks are dangerous. Save them for when you have plenty of space. Likewise, do not execute your adornments or turns so that they infringe upon the space of others. This is the leader's responsibility. The video to the right is salon tango on a crowded floor and enclosed space. Note how the dancers are in close embrace and keep their turns tight, not infringing on the space of others.

The video below shows the importance of the line of dance and good floor craft on a crowded dance floor.