
The video below provides a great history of this time and the changes in tango that occurred in the early 40's.

Carlos Alberto Estevez "Petroleo"

His nickname in English is 'petroleum'. Some said it was because his feet were on fire, others said it was because he danced smooth like oil. Another source says he got the nickname because he drank too much as a young man.

Petroleo and his friends created a set of new tango moves around 1940. He was one of the first to try the cross. When he first tried it, he soon realized all

of the moves which the cross would open up for the woman. He experimented with the turns on the right and left, the boleos and sweeps. He said you have to dance tango as it feels, as indicated by the music, not tied to a choreographed routine and studied and, above all, walking the runway.


McGarrey, Rick and Todaro, Alejandra. Tango and Chaos in Buenos Aries. May 23, 2014

Palmer, Lily. Petroleo, the great renovator of the 1940's. May 20, 2014.

Thompson, Robert Farris. Tango: The Art History of Love

Todo Tango: The Artists: The Dancers.