Word Art Update 20091004

Post date: Oct 4, 2009 4:57:58 AM


After taking some of my newest acrostic ambigrams from the sketchbook phase to the computerized version over the past week, I have added more Scripture Art thumbnail images to my Word Art Page. In a small way, I allowed the letter manipulation of Psalm 139:14 to influence the rest of the drawing by copying the style of the letter "a" in "made" and using it throughout the image. For Jeremiah 10:23 I really allowed the letter manipulations to play a larger role in shaping the rest of the forms -- the "e/e" and "n/s" characters took the lead in governing the shapes of the remaining letters.

John 15:13

No Greater Love

Jeremiah 10:23

It Does Not Belong to Man

Psalm 104:13

I Will Sing to Jehovah

Psalm 139:14

I Am Wonderfully Made

A few nights ago, I was discussing some of these newer designs with a good friend of mine, shortly after learning about the birth of another friend's first child -- a son. She commented how appropriate it would be to give Psalm 139:14 as a gift to the young couple. The entire phrase, as drawn, reads, "In a fear inspiring way I am wonderfully made." Anyone who experiences the miracle of procreation would have to wholeheartedly agree with this scripture and the surrounding context which reads as follows:

"For you yourself produced my kidneys;

You kept me screened off in the belly of my mother.

I shall laud you because in a fear-inspring way I am wonderfully made.

Your works are wonderful,

As my soul is very well aware.

My bones were not hidden from you

When I was made in secret,

When I was woven in the lowest parts of the earth.

Your eyes saw even the embryo of me,

And in your book all its parts were down in writing,

As regards the days when they were formed

And there was not yet one among them."

-- Psalm 139:13-16 (New World Translation)

Conception, cell division, cell specialization, growth and development, sensory perception within the womb, the entire birthing process -- all a series of miracles culminating in the bringing of another living being into existence. It is a marvelous gift with which our Maker has endowed us. So it is settled then: I will give them this Scriptural Art as a gift ... right after I confirm the spelling of his name and his date of birth which I would like to include in the finished gift-version of the design. ... Which option I will now open up to the public! The following section has been added to my Word Art Page, just above the chart of Scriptural Word Art thumbnails:

=> Gift Giving Idea <=

If you wish to give Psalm 139:14 as a gift for the family of a new baby, I will include the baby's name and date of birth on the design for you. (Please confirm the spelling and date before placing your order, as there are no refunds for incorrect information as provided by you.) Option A: Regular hand-written style lettering at no extra charge; Option B: Ambigram-style lettering for an extra $1 per name, whether individual ambigrams or 'symbiotic' ambigrams (example: first, middle, and last = 3 names = $3).

Yesterday while running errands, I was contemplating the scripture that I really wanted to include in the triptych for the resurrection themed Ambigram.com Ambigram Challenge -- John 5:28. I finally decided which word I wanted to use as my 'anchor' for the acrostic ambigram, and then I started working out the letter inversions in my head, as I was driving at the time. (I let each half of my brain work on their respective, distinctly separate tasks while, of course, making sure to keep my left-brain focused on the more important job of paying attention to the road.) As soon as I agreed with myself on which letters would be melded, I got to a safe place on the road, quickly drew out the shapes in my always-handy sketchbook, and continued my journey. Later that morning I fine-tuned the shapes in my sketchbook and filled in the rest of the phrasing around them. Some time in the next few days I will draw the new piece of Scripture Art into the computer and add it to the list on my Word Art Page.