Dare Me?

Post date: Sep 23, 2009 4:17:33 AM


Looking back at my post regarding the Ambigram.com Ambigram Challenge, I am recalling another challenge that I recently took on.

A few weeks ago one of my sisters dared me to turn one of the English language's longest words into an ambigram. I told her I would have to think about it and get back to her. A few days later, I had sketched out the word onto a scrap piece of paper. A week or two after that, I found the time to draw it into my computer. At the 3 Village Fall Festival in Sprague, CT, two Saturdays ago, a young man was admiring my art and asked if I could turn any word into an ambigram. I replied that not every word could become an ambigram, but that I was able to take my sister's dare (I paused and opened the computer file to show him) and make one of this word:

Can you read it? I know a lot of the letters get kind of 'funky,' but I wasn't going for perfection here. I just wanted to see if I could do it... and apparently so did she -- even if it was just a dare.

So, I ask: Do You Dare Me? Is there a word or phrase that you would like me to try to "ambi-fy"? Is there a greeting card expression that I should try in a different language? (Just yesterday, I added "Guten Tag" to my collection of completed greeting card designs -- even the description on the back is in German. Now I must add it to my Greeting Cards Page. As of this post, it is not yet listed. But check back again soon.)

Send me an email, and include "I Dare You" in the subject line. If I meet your challenge with a legible ambigram, I'll offer you $1 off your next order. If I fail, I'll offer you $3 off your next order. (One coupon per email/shipping address per 30 day period.)