Operads in Algebra and Topology

Operads in Algebra and Topology (fall 2017)


General information

There will be a home exam based on some exercises formulated during the talks and some exercises posted in exercise sheets.

Exercises and Problems

  1. Homotopy algebras and homotopy operads

  2. Koszul duality and more homological algebra

    1. Exam is a home exam. Deadline -- Dec 24.

Schedule and titles of lectures/seminars (Tuesdays auditorium 208, 14.00 - 15.30)

    • 12/09 Introduction (A.Khoroshkin)

    • 19/09 Nonsymmetric and Symmetric operads: definitions and examples (A.Khoroshkin)

    • 26/09 More examples and computations of Symmetric operads (A.Khoroshkin)

    • 03/10 Resolutions, Bar-cobar resolution, A_{\infty}-algebras (A.Khoroshkin)

    • 10/10 Stasheff polytopes (A.Khoroshkin)

    • 17/10 P_\infty-algebras and P_\infty morphisms (A.Khoroshkin)

    • 24/10 Homotopy Trasfer for complexes (A.Khoroshkin)

    • 31/10 Homotopy transfer for algebras over an operad (A.Khoroshkin)

    • 07/11 Rational homotopy type (A. Gorinov)

    • 14/11 Loop spaces and modules over Associahedron operad (A.Gorinov)

    • 21/11 Closed Model Categories (sketch by A.Gorinov)

    • 28/11 Building is closed! No lecture, celebrating HSE Anniversary

    • 05/12 Model categories for algebras over an operad (A.Khoroshkin)

    • 12/12 Koszul duality for algebras and for operads (A.Khoroshkin)