Were US & Israel Behind the 9/11? Italian ex-President: CIA & Mossad planed that

Gideon Polya, “Were US & Israel Behind the 9/11? Italian ex-President: CIA & Mossad planed that”, MWC News, 6 December 2007. Not cached by Google.

Were US & Israel Behind the 9/11? Italian ex-President: CIA & Mossad planed that

The 9/11 atrocity killed 3,000 innocent Americans and was used by Bush as an excuse to wreak havoc across the world from Somalia to Afghanistan (will Iran be next?). The post-invasion excess deaths associated with the Bush War on Terror in Occupied Iraq and Occupied Afghanistan has caused the death of millions of people. (see "State Terrorism" on MWC News). Whoever did 9/11 is accordingly also responsible for the subsequent carnage of the Bush Wars.

The Bush Administration have spun an unbelievable, anti-Arab anti-Semitic, Islamophobic, Hollywood-style, Men in Caves story that the Mainstream media of the Western Murdochracies have made an Article of Faith – anyone who does not accept this story 100% is a fool, delusional, soft on terrorism or a terrorist.

However at long last a distinguished, intelligence insider – former Italian President Francesco Cossiga - has come forward to state that in his perception the CIA and Israeli Mossad planed 9/11 and that major intelligence agencies are well aware of this.

Of course this is the opinion of one man, albeit a very highly placed western political leader with intimate knowledge of intelligence matters.

Who was behind the 9/11 attack? This is best addressed by analysing Motive, Opportunity and Means.


Addressing the question on the basis of Motive and "Cui Bono?" ("who benefits?") is instructive. After the example of the Gulf War and Sanctions War against Iraq (1990-2003 excess deaths 1.9 million and under-5 infant deaths 1.2 million) it is surely highly implausible to suggest that Muslim-origin non-state terrorists would bring comparable devastation upon their own people – and themselves - by committing such an atrocity against such a dangerous and violent country as America. In contrast, Bush and Zionists have benefited enormously from 9/11 with war, devastation and occupation visited on a swathe of Muslim countries since 9/11 ( Somalia, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan) and with anti-Arab, anti-Semites, Islamophobia and xenophobic, proto-Nazi , civil rights-violating "terrorism" laws employed throughout the world.


In terms of Opportunity, realistically only US Intelligence and Israeli Intelligence had the opportunity given the high level of airport, aeroplane, aviation and general metropolitan security measures in the United States prior to 9/11. Indeed WTC7, the 47 storey WTC building that totally collapsed on 9/11 while not having been hit by planes or having suffered fires, was a New York HQ for US Intelligence and the WTC, having already suffered a bomb attack, was presumably the subject of intense security. The "Official Version" that "Men in Caves" could have done this is absurd.


Leading European Government Ministers and intelligence experts, namely Dr Andreas von Buelow and Horst Ehmke of Germany, have stated that 9/11 required the involvement of a major security service (see "Patriots Question 9/11" ) and General Leonid Ivashov (former chief of Staff of the Russian Armed Forces) has said the same.

Thus it is glaringly obvious that the Bush and Zionist beneficiaries had Motive, Opportunity and Means whereas the "Men in Caves" patently lacked all three. The post-9/11 Bush Administration cover-ups and the rapid, post-9/11 escalation of Bush war, invasion and occupation from Somalia to Afghanistan are consistent with this picture.

And now we have an "intelligence insider" view from former Italian President Francesco Cossiga that the CIA and Mossad were indeed responsible for 9/11 and that all the intelligence services know about it.

Consistent with ex-President Cossiga's expert opinion one can note that the Americans and Israelis had the means (the requisite resources of major intelligence services), the opportunity (completely unimpaired access to normally high security US buildings, airports, planes and airspace) and motive (excuse for invasion and occupation of Muslim countries from Somalia to Afghanistan).

Former President of Italy Francesco Cossiga was a law professor, 7-year president of Italy (a country with a population of about 60 million) and is a Life Senator of Italy. – and accordingly is a person whose expert and insider opinions about 9/11 on November 2007 to leading Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera should be taken very seriously. See the original Italian article in Corriere della Sera).

"A quanto mi è stato detto domani o dopo domani la più potente catena quotidiani-periodici del nostro Paese dovrebbe dare le prove, con uno scoop eccezionale, che il video (in realtà un audio, ndr) nel quale riappare Osama Bin Laden, leader del 'Grande e potente movimento di Rinvicita Islamica Al Qaeda', che Allah lo benedica!, nel quale sono formulate minacce anche all'ex premier Silvio Berlusconi, sarebbe nient'altro che un videomontaggio realizzato negli studi di Mediaset a Milano e fatto giungere alla rete televisiva islamista Al Jazira che lo ha ampiamente diffuso.

"La 'trappola' sarebbe stata montata, secondo la sopra citata catena di stampa, per sollevare una ondata di solidarietà verso Berlusconi, nel momento nel quale si trova in difficoltà anche a causa di un altro scoop della stessa catena giornalistica sugli intrecci tra la Rai e Mediaset», continua il senatore a vitaDa ambienti vicini a Palazzo Chigi, centro nevralgico di direzione dell'intelligence italiana, si fa notare che la non autenticità del video è testimoniata dal fatto che Osama Bin Laden in esso 'confessa' che Al Qaeda sarebbe stato l'autore dell'attentato dell'11 settembre alle due torri in New York, mentre tutti gli ambienti democratici d'America e d'Europa, con in prima linea quelli del centrosinistra italiano, sanno ormai bene che il disastroso attentato è stato pianificato e realizzato dalla Cia americana e dal Mossad con l'aiuto del mondo sionista per mettere sotto accusa i Paesi arabi e per indurre le potenze occidentali ad intervenire sia in Iraq sia in Afghanistan."

"As I’ve been told, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow [interview appeared on 30 november 2007] the most important chain of newspapers of our country should give the proof, with an exceptional scoop, that the video (which in reality is an audio tape, NdR) in which appears Osama, leader of “the great and powerful movement of islamic revenge Al Quaeda” - God bless him! - and in which are formulated threats to our ex president Berlusconi, is nothing more than a fake realized inside Mediaset studios [the huge television group owned by Berlusconi] in Milan and sent to arabic television station Al Jazeera.

The trap was organized to create solidarity for Berlusconi, who is having lot of problems related to the tangle between RAI and Mediaset. From circles around Palazzo Chigi, nerve centre of direction of Italian intelligence, it is noted that the non-authenticity of the video is testified from the fact that Osama bin Laden in it 'confessed' that Al Qaeda was the author of the attack of the 11 September on the Twin Towers in New York, while all of the democratic circles of America and of Europe, in the front lines being those of the Italian centre-left, now know well that the disastrous attack was planned and realized by the American CIA and Mossad with the help of the Zionist world to put under accusation the Arabic Countries and to persuade the Western powers to intervene in Iraq and Afghanistan."

Now if Professor Cossiga is correct then a Bush--Zionists joint operation was responsible for 9/11, an event which can be seen to have impacted more on human welfare and human rights than any other event since World War 2.

Who can we believe?

Cossiga, is a distinguished Italian leader, president, professor, senator and intelligence-connected politician who has nothing to gain from his admission except the undying hatred of the Bush and Zionists. According to Wikipedia, Cossiga declared his involvement in setting up Operation Gladio, a secret, "stay-behind", underground, anti-communist NATO network in Europe set up in response to the post-war Soviet threat, after Giulio Andreotti (former Italian prime minister) had revealed its existence (see: here and here).

On the other hand, we have the "official version" of the egregiously dishonest, violent, war-criminals Bush Administration – the same people who foisted the following ten utterly false pre-war assertions about Iraq to justify war, specifically: Iraqi possession of weapons of mass destruction, poison gas supplies, bacteriological weapons, mobile germ warfare laboratories, Al-Qaeda links, uranium supplies from Niger, ability to strike the West within 45 minutes, dire threat to the US, dire threat to the UK, and responsibility for 9/11.

For the scepticism of a large number of distinguished, decent, patriotic, American intellectuals, military, scientists and scholars in relation to the "official version" and the "cover-up" see Scholars for 9/11 truth and Patriots Question 9/11.

Yet the Mainstream media and politicians in the Western Murdochracies would still have us believe the "official version".

The "official story" involves 2 planes being hijacked and hitting the Twin Towers which subsequently totally collapsed, as did the adjacent 47 storey WTC building 7; a 3rd plane crashing into the side of the Pentagon; and a 4th plane crashing in Pennsylvania.

Major problems with the official "story" include hijacking with box-cutters; no survivors; extremely inexperienced hijacker pilots hitting the WTC buildings; important evidence consistent with planned demolition of the three WTC buildings (especially the 47 storey WTC7 building that had not been hit by a plane and did not have major fires); "transubstantiation" of 3 huge buildings (and notably the completely undamaged parts) into fine powder in a 10 second "gravitational collapse"; asserted mobile phone calls from high speed planes at high altitude; inexperienced pilots flying a huge jet (with a core height of about 2 stories) just above the ground to hit the Pentagon between the second and third floors, leaving a 18 foot hole without aircraft debris; widely scattered debris of the 4th plane consistent with a missile hit; and the comprehensive failure of the air force to respond to any of the four off-course planes (notwithstanding decades of such rapid responses) (for an analysis of my personal memorial to the 9/11 tragedy see my huge painting "Manhattan Madonna" on MWC News).

A statistical approach to Mainstream media and politician lying by omission and commission over 9/11 has been to assign a probability of 0.1 (10%) to each of a total of 22 very unlikely, contingent, successive parts of the extraordinary "official" story e.g.

Two of these "official story" elements are that a steel-reinforced building will completely mimic expert demolition and be "transubstantiated" into fine powder in a 10 second "gravitational collapse" after a limited fire and that a minimally light aircraft-trained pilot could fly a huge passenger jet into a spot between the second and third floors on the side of the Pentagon. The probability of the overall "official" story being correct then becomes an astronomically low 10-22 (10 to the negative power 22) i.e. the "official" story is almost certainly false.

I place much greater credence on former President Cossiga than on the lying, traitorous Bush administration and Zionists running the Bush War on Terror. Unfortunately Murdoch dominated Western Mainstream media will ensure that most of the American People – enslaved in a pervasively dishonest Murdochracy - won't get to hear about former President Cossiga's perception of who actually did 9/11.

Notwithstanding his eminence, ex-President Cossiga is but one major Western politician offering his PERCEPTION of "who planned the 9/11" - and of "who knows who was behind the 9/11 attack". Americans must insist on the truth and proper judicial exposure of those who actually killed 3,000 Americans on 9/11.