World's #1 'Terrorist' in Australia. Dr Death arrives for Apec Summit

Gideon Polya, “World's #1 'Terrorist' in Australia. Dr Death arrives for Apec Summit”, MWC News, 4 September 2007, not cached by Google.

World's #1 'Terrorist' in Australia. Dr Death arrives for Apec Summit

The World's #1 terrorist is in Australia. La Trobe University alumnus Alan Jasson (and former student of mine) globally identified this Person last year as the World's #1 terrorist on his T-shirt and was prevented from flying to Australia from the UK and vice versa until he changed his apparel.

Australia's top humanitarian magazine Green Left has also identified this Person as the World's #1 terrorist. This Person has defeated Australian Border Security that is designed to keep out terrorists. Indeed Australia has spent about A$20 billion over the last 6 years in the War on Terror but all in vain – the World's #1 terrorist has arrived and in company with Dr Death, the Wicked Witch of the West.

I have just seen it with my own eyes on National TV – George W. Bush has just landed in "locked down" Sydney on Air Force One. Dr Condoleezza Rice (the Wicked Witch of the West, aka Dr Death) was there too, shaking hands with obsequious Oz dignitaries before being put in the back of a black stretch limousine with the World's #1 Terrorist and whisked off to a luxury hotel. Laura Bush stayed home.

The cost to the Federal Australian Government of hosting the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit meeting in Sydney this week is about A$332 million (see: here ). The cost to business due to the APEC-related, Sydney-only, long weekend public holiday has been put at $327 million (see: here ) . The heart of a major city has been locked down – not exactly because of the "threat of terrorism" but to welcome the World's #1 terrorist to White Australia. This is a disgusting waste of a third of a billion dollars to "entertain" the World's #1 terrorist and his cowardly, racist, climate criminal, irresponsible, brown nosing associates.

This "event" could have been held in Canberra, the capital city of Australia, at vastly less expense. Canberra is the National Capital and has been correctly identified (in describing George W. Bush's last visit to Australia) as the best venue for such a gathering in Andrew McGahan's exciting novel "Underground" (that describes a US-dominated Australia transformed into a police state by a never-ending "war on terror").

And all for what? It is unlikely that this collection of First World climate criminals and holocaust-ignorers will make any firm decision on greenhouse gas targets.

Australia is squandering A$360 million to play host to a Person who is simultaneously:

The World's #1 Terrorist (responsible for post-invasion excess deaths in the Occupied Iraqi and Afghan Territories totalling 1.0 million and 2.4 million, respectively, due to US and Coalition war crimes) (see "The Cost of War" on MWC News:);

the World's #1 child killer (post-invasion the under-5 infant deaths in the Occupied Iraqi and Afghan Territories total 0.5 million and 1.9 million, respectively, due to US and Coalition war crimes) (for documented details read "Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950" (G.M. Polya, Melbourne, 2007)).

The World's #1 drug death promoter (post-2001 global opiate drug-related deaths total 0.6 million, largely due to US restoration of the Taliban-destroyed opium industry from about 5% in 2001 to a current 93% of world market share);

and the World's #1 greenhouse gas polluter and #1 climate criminal (the US is the world's worst greenhouse gas polluter and like Australia refuses to significantly constrain pollution or sign Kyoto) (see: "War on Terra, Climate criminals. "Terra" painting"" on MWC News ).

George W. Bush is the stand-out #1 in all these anti-humanitarian categories and is indubitably the World's #1 terrorist, #1 child killer, #1 drug death promoter, #1 greenhouse polluter and #1 climate criminal.

Even the FBI has apparently taken the Man in Caves, Osama bin Laden, off their most wanted list – and even if we blame OBL for all the Westerners murdered by Muslim-origin non-state terrorists over the last 40 years, this "body count" "only" amounts to 7,000 (this total including Israelis and assuming no US or US surrogate complicity in the 9/11 atrocity). OBL doesn't even get to first base in the terrorism stakes – consult UNICEFand you will quickly discover that about 0.5 million Occupied Iraqi and Occupied Afghan under-5 year old infants die every year, that's 9,600 every week, 1,300 daily and ONE EVERY MINUTE (90% avoidably and due to egregious Bush Administration war crimes).

George W. Bush's arrival has made a joke of Australia's much-vaunted Border Security that was set up after the neo-con, vote-winning Tampa refugee incident in 2001 to protect Australia from the likes of pregnant Muslim refugees who are held to be a "threat" to our sacred "way of life" by anti-Arab anti-Semitic, Islamophobic, xenophobic racist White Australians

However it is hardly surprising that Racist White Australia is spending so much money to fawn before the world's #1 terrorist, #1 child killer, #1 drug death promoter, #1 greenhouse gas polluter and #1 climate criminal. After all, Australia has been involved in ALL post-1950 US Asian wars (excess deaths of Indigenous Asian victims now about 20 million i.e. similar to the current population of Australia of 21 million). Australia refuses to sign Kyoto (like the US), is among the world's worst annual per capita greenhouse gas polluters and is the world's biggest coal exporter (see: "Climate Criminals & Climate Genocide. Anglo-Celtia threatens final Bengali Holocaust" on MWC News).

Only fifty years ago the racist Australian Labor Party Immigration Minister made the notorious statement in defence of the White Australia Policy: "We will not let the yellow hordes contaminate out golden shores". Many decent Australians are sickened by the contamination of "our golden shores" by George W. Bush, the world's #1 terrorist, #1 child killer, #1 drug death promoter, #1 greenhouse gas polluter and #1 climate criminal.