9/11, Media Lying. Compulsory Lies Downunder

Gideon Polya, “9/11, Media Lying. Compulsory Lies Downunder”, MWC News, submitted 20 August 2006, no Google record.

9/11, Media Lying. Compulsory Lies Downunder

HUMANE SCEPTICS concerned over the actual culprits behind 9/11, the pre-planning behind Bush’s War on Terror and US-Israeli State Terrorist (USIST) activities in general, face a general criticism from neo-con opponents – how can large-scale criminal acts be planned and executed in modern democratic societies without everyone eventually becoming aware of what has happened? The argument becomes more acute when one considers, for example, the large number of people involved if, as is plausibly suspected, US- or Israeli-linked Intelligence agents were actively or passively complicit in the 9/11 atrocity (3,000 victims).

However the argument largely evaporates when you realize that HUGE events with vastly greater loss of life have occurred within living memory, have involved huge numbers of participants and yet have been essentially deleted from history and from general public perception. This is illustrated below and takes the form of a QUIZ I recently put to Australian Mainstream media and to Australian Federal Parliamentarians.

The Bush-ite Australian Federal Government wants Australian History made Compulsory in Australian High Schools and organized a recent National Conference to consider the matter. The Federal Education Minister Julie Bishop attempted to placate widespread concerns about Government proposals for Compulsory History by indicating future Federal-State cooperation on the matter: "If we can get broad agreement that it must be a core part of the curriculum, we're not being prescriptive." (see: here ).

However the Labor Opposition is concerned over the Government “re-writing history”; thus its Shadow Minister and Deputy Leader Jenny Macklin (my local Member of the Federal House of Representatives): "The teaching of history is very important in our schools but the last thing we want is John Howard pushing his ideology down the throats of our children …We need to make sure that the important milestones of Australia's history are known by our children - but they need to know it warts and all."

The Australian Greens (who have an excellent pro-Peace, pro-Environment, pro-Human Rights track record) were even more forceful; thus Greens Senator Christine Milne: "What I fear is that there will be one mandated history, as there was in Japan after the war, as there was in Germany after the war."

The issue is important because Australia has a shocking history of racism and genocide from the initial Invasion in 1788 to Australia’s continuing involvement in horrendous war-crimes and passive genocide in US-Coalition-occupied Iraq and Afghanistan

The Bush-ite Australian Federal Government denies the awful Aboriginal Genocide (yet the Indigenous population dropped from about 1 million to 0.1 million in the first century of Occupation due to disease, dispossession and horrendous violence; the last massacres of Aboriginals occurred in the 1920s; tens of thousands of Aboriginal Children were forcibly removed from their Mothers up until the 1970s; Aboriginals were effectively not allowed vote or even counted as citizens until after 1967; and Australian Aboriginals still largely live in horrendous Third World conditions in one of the richest countries in the World.

The Australian Government, like the other complicit Coalition or NATO countries, completely IGNORES the horrendous avoidable mortality in post-invasion Occupied Iraq and Afghanistan.

As a Good Citizen I write regularly to Mainstream Media and to Australian Federal and State Parliamentarians when I feel that the gap between Reality and public Perception is dangerously large. My efforts are largely ignored but I refuse to be discouraged. What would YOU do if you saw the body of a Child in the gutter? Immediately inform the authorities. What would YOU do if you were aware from publicly-accessible UN and UNICEF reports of continuing, horrendous avoidable Infant mortality in which your Government was complicit? Do what I do - inform the authorities, write, lecture, broadcast, protest, do everything possible to legitimately inform Government and People of this continuing catastrophe.

Reproduced below is a letter variously sent on the 18th August 2006 to Australian Mainstream Media and to Australian Federal Parliamentarians re Compulsory History – which I regard as Compulsory Lies because of the horrendous Lying by Omission of Australian academics, journalists, politicians and politicized public servants (the Silence has been Deafening). Establishment Lying by Omission is not confined to Australia but is entrenched in ALL of Anglo-Celtia (the UK, the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand) and indeed throughout the World. My letter takes the form of a QUIZ – and I would suggest that wherever you hail from, Gentle Reader, do the QUIZ to get a glimpse of how They have been LYING to YOU.

QUOTE: “Dear Sir/Madam/Mr, Mrs, Ms, Senator X,"

The Australian Federal Government wants to make Australian history courses compulsory in Junior High School. They go to great pains to say that they don’t want the content to be compulsory (see: here ) – but the current content is the actual problem. Australians – students, the general public, our Parliaments and even our Courts - are being remorselessly LIED to about History even as it is being made.

We periodically read of the objections of the Chinese, Koreans and others to Japanese “white-washing” of their World War 2 atrocities by presenting “sanitized” History to high school students. Yet as the following 3 examples show (presented as a quiz with the answers with detailed references in the postscript), Australian historians, teachers, academics, politicians and journalists remorselessly LIE about major events in our History to the point of what can only be described as “holocaust denial” – you will be lucky to find a mention of these HUGE events anywhere in our Culture of LIES.

1. We all know about the Jewish Holocaust (6 million victims) but what was a man-made process that killed a similar number of people during World War 2 and was due to “our” side? This event killed about 4 million people; caused a 1940s demographic deficit in the victim country of about 10 million; may have been due to a deliberate British “scorched earth policy”; and was associated with large-scale military and civilian sexual abuse of women and girls [1].

2. Australia has been involved in all the post-1950 US Asian Wars and about 1,000 Australian soldiers gave their lives in these conflicts. However the most obvious feature of modern high technology US warfare is the minimization of politically-sensitive military casualties at the expense of horrendous “enemy civilian casualties”. How many Asians have died avoidably associated with post-1950 US Wars? The answer can be found by going to publicly-accessible UN demographic statistics for the post-1950 period and calculating “avoidable mortality” (excess mortality; deaths that didn’t have to happen), which is the difference between the actual deaths in a country and the deaths expected for a peaceful, decently-run country with the same demographics [2].

3. According to the Geneva Convention for the Protection of Civilians in Time of War (especially Articles 55 and 56), Occupiers are unequivocally required to keep their Conquered Subjects ALIVE. UNICEF provides annual updates of demographics relating to Children for essentially every country in the world (on the Web, several clicks away). In the Third World, under-5 year old infant deaths are about 90% avoidable and constitute about 0.7 of “avoidable mortality”. Australia is part of the Occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan. How many under-5 year old infants die every year, every day, every minute in these US-Coalition-Australian-occupied Territories? [3]

If you would like me to run a daily/weekly snappy 100 word column with ONE such documented example each time for your News medium (suggested titles range from “Truth Uncovered” , “Kick the Ostrich”, “1984 Now”, “Ignorance is Strength”, “Media Lying”, “History Watch”, “Lying by Omission” to “Lies = State Terrorism”) please let me know ASAP.

Or do Australians actually BELIEVE that our Children, students, the general public, our Parliaments and even our Courts should be LIED to in the “National Interest”?

References [and answers]:

[1]. See: http://www.abc.net.au/rn/science/ockham/stories/s19040.htm ; http://globalavoidablemortality.blogspot.com/ ; Gideon Polya, “Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History” (Polya, Melbourne, 1998); Colin Mason “A Short History of Asia” (Macmillan, London, 2000); Gideon Polya, "Biochemical Targets of Plant Bioactive Compounds" (Taylor & Francis, New York & London, 2003); [1943/1944 Bengal Famine].

[2]. See: http://esa.un.org/unpp/ ;

http://www.unicef.org/infobycountry/index.html ; http://globalavoidablemortality.blogspot.com/ ; http://mwcnews.net/content/view/5489/42/ and

http://mwcnews.net/content/view/5872/26/ );

also see Senate Inquiry submission #112: http://www.aph.gov.au/senate/committee/legcon_ctte/terrorism/index.htm ;

http://www.countercurrents.org/us-polya211205.htm ); [18 million].

[3]. See: http://www.unicef.org/infobycountry/index.html (the awful truth is only several mouse-clicks away);

http://mwcnews.net/content/view/5489/42/ and

http://mwcnews.net/content/view/5872/26/ ; [roughly 0.5 million per year, 1,300 per day and about ONE (1) PER MINUTE].”

How did you do? Put the QUIZ to your friends – see how they do. And don’t get mad, get even - by INFORMING OTHERS. We cannot walk by on the Other Side. We cannot tolerate Compulsory Lying to our Children. We cannot allow the further descent of our ostensibly “free” societies into an Orwellian Nightmare in which “War is Peace, Slavery is Freedom, Ignorance is Strength and 2 plus 2 does not equal 4”. Make a Hole in the Wall of Silence.