Web Poll - Education but not Infant Survival a Fundamental Right

Gideon Polya, “Web Poll - Education but not Infant Survival a Fundamental Right”, MWC News, 5 February 2006, not cached by Google.

Web Poll - Education but not Infant Survival a Fundamental Right

In a bizarre world dominated by politically correct racism, democratic imperialism, US Empire and mainstream media lying we increasingly ask ourselves: “Am I mad or is the world mad?”

I have a specific problem as a humanitarian writer and researcher. Publicly-accessible UN data indicate that the post-invasion avoidable mortality (excess mortality) in the Occupied Palestinian, Iraqi and Afghan Territories now totals about 0.3, 0.5 and 1.6 million, respectively, while the corresponding post-invasion under-5 infant mortality now totals 0.2, 0.3 and 1.4 million, respectively (see Senate Inquiry submission #112: ). However Anglo-American mainstream media will simply NOT report this important humanitarian information.

I have rationalized this egregious media lying by omission as evidence of politically correct racism (PC racism) entrenched in the principal Coalition countries (the US, the UK and Australia). These democratic countries ASSERT their non-racism but continue to PROSECUTE racist, imperialist wars of aggression while simultaneously IGNORING the horrendous human consequences. The following Web analysis indicates the depth of this perversion of values in the English-speaking world. My “Web poll” shows that while “education” very laudably tops the list as a “fundamental right”, “infant mortality” (surely a fundamental concern of decent human beings) does not even register on this “human rights scale”.

"Is a fundamental right" was entered as a phrase for an Advanced Google Search and yielded 261,000 results. The most frequent words or phrases were noted and were used as the basis for further searches. Thus "education is a fundamental right" yielded 15,200 results - the BEST result found for coupling of ANY words or phrases before the phrase "is a fundamental right" but closely followed by Privacy (9,240) and Food (2,440). The next best results were obtained with Marriage (902), Health (794), Expression (763), Voting (704, Abortion (699), Information (679), Water (657), Speech (656), Vote (626), Freedom (576), Health (523), Sex (506) and Life (479).

This analysis tells us something about the COLLECTIVE VALUES of global English-language contributors to the Web.

The complete analysis is presented below. Each word or phrase is grouped in DESCENDING ORDER of "search result score" under "thousands", "hundreds", "tens" and "digits". "Zero score" words and phrases are also listed.

THOUSANDS: education, privacy, food.

HUNDREDS: marriage, health, expression, voting, abortion, information, water, speech, vote, freedom, health, sex, freedom of expression, life, health care, religious freedom, jury, marry, religion, children, self-defense, right to life, courts, travel, arms, treatment, movement, owning weapons, justice, counsel, right, association, movement, citizenship, care, choice, flag, ownership, partner, discrimination, freedom of religion, strike, assembly, liberty, sodomy (pro & con), work, equality, live, right to strike, safety, opinion, access, medical treatment, self-determination, and family, rights.

TENS: court, choice, representation, smoking, union, reproduction/sport, citizen, death, procreation, freedom of choice, air, play, shelter, driving, access to documents, ownership, gun ownership, belief, employment, living, parental right, having children/survival, organize/property/silence, association/happiness/gender, higher education/religious liberty/worship, trade, equal treatment/registration/educational opportunity/child rearing/rearing, pursuit of happiness/freedom of conscience, right to die, passport, contraception, planning/procreation, themselves/emigration/self identification, and sanitation/nutrition/practice.

DIGITS: religious practice, music, reproduction by IVF, weapons/guns/transportation, equal opportunity/respect/lying, clean water/joy/self-expression/sexual preference, air waves/drink/clothing, art/intercourse/citizenry/documentation/satisfaction/survival/tourism, and militia/sexual freedom/eating/ownership of weapons.

ZERO: affection, cooperative, disability, difference, drive, drugs, freedom to bear arms, independence, love, loving, parental rights, peaceful death, political liberty, practise(English spelling), prostitution, rear, religious practise (English spelling), sexual liberty, solitude, smoke, vegetables, voter, and wealth.

DRAW YOUR OWN CONCLUSIONS - and indeed do your own analysis.

REMARKABLY MISSING from this list of suggested rights are "human survival", "child survival" and "infant survival".

According to the latest UNICEF report (2006), in 2004 the under-5 infant mortality was 122,000 in Occupied Iraq, 359,000 in Occupied Afghanistan and 1,000 in the occupying country Australia (noting that in 2004 the populations of these countries were 28.1 million, 28.6 million and 19.9 million, respectively)(see: here).

About 1,300 under-5 year old infants will have died in Occupied Iraq and Afghanistan on Christmas Day alone, 0.5 million will die in the coming year and 1.7 million have died post-invasion due to non-provision by the US-led Coalition of life-preserving requisites demanded by the Geneva Conventions

Anglo-American and Australian mainstream media will simply NOT report horrendous Coalition war crimes against helpless infants and their mothers. Should Asian or Muslim international students study in PC racist Australia or other PC racist Coalition countries complicit in the deliberate, continuing and racist passive mass murder of Asian and Muslim infants - and at universities that generate the PC racist Establishments and societies that IGNORE such atrocities?

A detailed, formal complaint has been sent to the International Criminal Court charging the Coalition with war crimes in Occupied Iraq and Afghanistan .

Human survival IS a fundamental right. Child survival IS a fundamental right. Infant survival IS a fundamental right. PLEASE INFORM EVERYONE.