Obama for Bombing

Gideon Polya, “Obama for Bombing. A Bomber Obama threatens Pakistan.”, 4 August 2007, not cached by Google.

Obama for Bombing. A Bomber Obama threatens Pakistan.

BARACK OBAMA is supposedly the Great Hope, the liberal Presidential candidate who will deliver America (that the World used to love) from the clutches of the Racist Religious Right Republican (R4) Bush-ites who in 7 years have violently trashed much of the world from Somalia to Afghanistan (from the borders of Kenya in the West to Pakistan in the East), trashed America’s treasury and trashed America’s reputation.

However as the campaigning goes on Obama is looking more and more like the president he hopes to replace. Indeed this week President George W. Bush had to step in and implicitly rebuke Barack Obama for – of all things – irresponsible, “unsavoury” and wanton war-mongering threats to unilaterally attack America’s key ally Pakistan.

George W. Bush has described the Democrat presidential candidate Barack Obama's call for unilateral attack on Pakistan as "unsavoury" and politically motivated. This indeed is the pot calling the kettle black!

The Star (Malaysia) reported war-monger George Bush rebuking prospective war criminal Barack Obama.

Embarrassingly enough it is very difficult for decent people to disagree with George W. Bush on this matter. Unilateral attacks on foreign countries is what the Nazis and Japanese did in World War 2, is a war crime and IS "unsavoury" to say the least.

Of course the death toll from Bush doing exactly that – attacking foreign countries - is horrendous: post-invasion excess deaths (avoidable deaths, deaths that did not have to happen) in the Occupied Iraqi and Afghan Territories now (as of March 2007) total 1.0 million and 2.4 million, respectively (for details and documentation see "The Cost of War" on MWC News).

Obama went to Columbia University and Harvard Law School but his "strike Pakistan" call betrays a woeful Ignorance of history and Law at best - and at worst, a racist disregard of International Law, the UN Charter and International Humanitarian Conventions.

Obama's Kenyan father - like Pakistan - was part of the infamous, racist, genocidal and evil British Empire that spread death and destruction over the whole world. The excess deaths in the British Empire in British India (of which Pakistan was a part) totalled 1.5 billion over 2 centuries (see MWC News ). Barack Obama should know better but obviously doesn’t.

One must seriously question the fitness of Barack Obama to be President of the United States, a nation that that ostensibly believes that “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.”

This is the KENYA history that Great Britain and no doubt Barack Obama won't talk about. In 1884 a Berlin Conference of racist, colonialist, imperialist European Powers “gave” what are now Tanzania, Burundi and Rwanda to Germany and “gave” Kenya (together with Uganda and Zanzibar) to Great Britain (surely “Great” for exceeding just about everyone in history for conquest, mass murder and genocide). In the 20th century the British confiscated huge tracts of suitable land in conquered Kenya and proceeded merrily with European settlement, coffee plantations, and importation of Indian labour. There was of course mounting Indigenous activism over the FORCIBLE THEFT of Indigenous land (just as in the British-sponsored Racist Zionist colonization of Palestine in the same period). In 1944, Jomo Kenyatta started the Independence movement. However Kenyan aspirations for Independence were brutally crushed by the racist British in 1952-1960 in what they called the "Mau Mau Emergency", the Kikuyu-headed Mau Mau insurgency against the British.

In the period 1952-1960, in the first decade of the Glorious Rule of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and of the New Elizabethan Age for “Great” Britain, 0.3 million Kenyan Kikuyu people were held in concentration camps, 1 million were held in “enclosed villages”, 0.1 million were either killed or otherwise died in custody and there were horrendous British atrocities. Indigenous Independence Leader Jomo Kenyatta was imprisoned. The 1952-1960 excess mortality (avoidable deaths, deaths that did not have to happen) in British-occupied Kenya totaled 1.1 million as determined from United Nations Population Division demographic data (see: "Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950” (G.M. Polya, Melbourne, 2007) and Caroline Elkins (2005), “Britain’s Gulag, The Brutal End of Empire in Kenya” (Pimlico, London)).

Of course, Amerika being Amerika it gets worse.

In addition to declaring that he would unilaterally attack America’s close ally Pakistan, Barack Obama has not ruled out the use of nuclear weapons. It has been reported by the New York Times (August 3, 2007 ) that Obama will not rule out use of the nuclear option. Thus the New York Times reports Obama responding thus to a question about the use of Nuclear Weapons in Afghanistan or Pakistan: "“I think it would be a profound mistake for us to use nuclear weapons in any circumstance,” he said, pausing before he added, “involving civilians.”

But then he quickly said: “Let me scratch that. There’s been no discussion of nuclear weapons. That’s not on the table.”"

Barack Obama’s parents unwittingly named him exceptionally badly - although his name is appropriate for decent folk if uttered as a question: “Barack Obama?” Noting that pronunciation of “A Bomber” in North America approximates to “Obama”, who would barrack for a bomber, barrack for Obama?

Unfortunately, most Americans have been brainwashed by their lying, racist Mainstream media into believing that it is their inalienable right and duty to bomb anyone and any thing they don’t like anywhere in the world – they mostly would Barrack for a Bomber.