US terrorism & lies. Americans killing 30,000 Americans annually with Guns

Gideon Polya, “US terrorism & lies. Americans killing 30,000 Americans annually with Guns”, MWC News, 22 April 2007, not cached by Google.

US terrorism & lies. Americans killing 30,000 Americans annually with Guns

Muslim-origin terrorists have killed about 7,000 Westerners in 40 YEARS (including (including Israelis and making the increasingly implausible assumption of no US complicity in the 9/11 atrocity) (see MWC News ). Yet Americans are killing 30,000 Americans ANNUALLY with Guns.

The Ruler is responsible for the Ruled. By the end of the pro-Gun Bush Administration about Americans will have killed 8 x 30,000 = 240,000 Americans using Guns.

There was world-wide shock at the latest American Mass murder atrocity in which a crazed gunman killed 32 people plus himself on the beautiful Virginia Polytechnic campus at Blacksburg, Virginia, USA.

Sensible people want to avoid a repetition of this sort of atrocity. The standard approach is Rational Risk Management which successively involves (a) accurate information, (b) scientific analysis and (c) systemic change to decrease the risk.

Here are some useful gun access statistics from Gun Control Network.

1999 gun-related deaths per 100,000 in the US (public gun ownership; historically violent domestic culture), Canada (public gun ownership; relatively non-violent culture domestically) versus UK (guns highly restricted; relatively non-violent culture domestically):

USA - 4.08 (homicide; 38.6% total); 6.08 (suicide; 57.5% total ); 0.42 (unintentional; 3.9% total); 10.58 (total 100.0%).

Canada - 0.54 (homicide, 1999); 2.65 (suicide, 1997); 0.15 (unintentional, 1997); 3.34 (total).

England/Wales – 0.12 (homicide); 0.22 (suicide); 0.01 (unintentional); 0.35 (total).

Using the above statistics and 2005 population figures (UN Population Division data) yields total gun-related deaths as about 32,000 (US, population 300 million), 1,070 (Canada, population 32 million) and 72 (UK, population 60 million).

A confirmation of this US estimate is that of 29,000 gun-related deaths in America in 2000 by Mokdad, Ali H., PhD, James S. Marks, MD, MPH, Donna F. Stroup, PhD, MSc, Julie L. Gerberding, MD, MPH, "Actual Causes of Death in the United States, 2000," Journal of the American Medical Association, March 10, 2004, Vol. 291, No. 10, pp. 1238, 1241.

Another way of looking at this is that if the US had a UK-style gun-related death rate (3.5 per million) rather than one of 105.8 per million then the difference (105.8-3.5 = 102.3 avoidable gun-related deaths per million) would correspond to prevention of about 31,000 shooting deaths annually.

According to official figures, the 2004 US annual homicide rate is 54 per million (see: here ) as compared to 12.8 per million in the UK in 2005/2006.

To stop the disproportionate homicides in America as compared to the UK would involve at least 2 major things: (1) strict UK-style gun control laws and (2) a radical change to the historically very violent American culture (so that they wouldn’t then turn to other means of killing themselves and others).

Unfortunately Gun Control is not going to happen in America, an historically very violent society that is politically dominated by pro-Gun, pro-War, Pro-Violence Racist Bush-ites (RBs), Racist Religious Right Republican (R4) Bush-ites and Racists Zionists (RZs) and ruled by an egregiously dishonest and violent and racist pro-Gun Bush Administration.

Thus the excuse for the Bush War on Terror was 9/11 (3,000 deaths) but that War has now been associated – so far - with 3.4 million post-invasion excess deaths in the Occupied Iraqi and Afghan Territories (1.0 million in Iraq and 2.4 million in Afghanistan, mostly Women and Children ), 2.4 million post-invasion under-5 infant deaths ( 0.5 million in Iraq and 1.9 million in Afghanistan, 90% being avoidable) and about 4,150 US Alliance military deaths.

The Bush War on Terror was always a semantic absurdity. In the light of these figures the Bush War on Terror can be seen as an immense Goebellsian LIE and, in terms of its victims, a War on Women and Children, a War on Asian Women and Children, a War on Muslim Women and Children, a War on Arab Women and Children and a War on non-European Women and Children.

The racist, lying, holocaust-ignoring Mainstream media IGNORE the horrendous excess deaths of US-conquered Muslim Asians – and also ignore the roughly 30,000 Americans who die avoidably each year from gun-related causes due to Bush-ite opposition to sane Gun Control Laws.

If the “men in caves” really wanted to murder Americans (and this proposition is after all the basis for the Bush-ite War on Terror), the most effective way would be for them to support the American Gun Lobby, the Racist Religious Right Republican (R4) Bush-ites, the pro-Bush Racist Zionists (RZs) and all the other intrinsically TRAITOROUS and ANTI-PATRIOTIC Bush-ite Americans who support the Bush Administration policy of permitting a gun ownership free-for-all that kills 30,000 Americans each year.