Aussie Airport views of Dubya. Bush stupid & world’s #1 terrorist

Gideon Polya, “Aussie Airport views of Dubya. Bush stupid & world’s #1 terrorist”, MWC News, 25 February 2007.

Aussie Airport views of Dubya. Bush stupid & world’s #1 terrorist

AUSTRALIANS have had longstanding, paranoid and intrinsically racist “security issues” over Asia and Asians. White Australians regard their 65 year old Alliance with the Whiteness- dominated US as the cornerstone of Australian national security.

However after 57 years of loyal participation in all US post-1950 Asian wars (excess deaths – or avoidable deaths, deaths that did not have to happen – of Asian victims now totalling 19 million) and despite extraordinary censorship of unpleasant realities by racist, lying mainstream media, the graphic Asian war realities on TV have been steadily seeping into the Australian consciousness. Two recent occurrences at Melbourne International Airport indicate how Aussies see George W. Bush. Thus (1) Australia’s international carrier Qantas excluded an Aussie passenger wearing a T-shirt depicting Bush with a caption “World’s #1 terrorist” and (2) today at Melbourne Airport there is a huge entrance billboard depicting a bemused George Bush and advertising a real estate search site with the caption: “So easy anyone can find a new home.”

Qantas bans “Bush World’s #1 terrorist” T-shirt

About 10 days before Christmas in 2006 an Australia IT specialist Alan Jasson (a former student of mine several decades ago) was barred from a London-Melbourne flight unless he removed a T-shirt depicting George Bush with the tag “World’s #1 terrorist”.

After he eventually got to Melbourne International Airport, Allen Jasson was prevented from catching a connecting flight within Australia later the same day unless he removed the offending T-shirt.

Alan Jasson protested and said that the airlines concerned, Qantas and Virgin Blue, were censoring him but the airlines claimed that the T-shirt was a security issue and might disturb other passengers ( see: HERE and HERE ).

About 4 weeks after Christmas, Qantas again banned Australian Allen Jasson (Melbourne IT man) - this time from a flight BACK to London - over his “Bush World’s #1 Terrorist” T-shirt. Jasson was reported as seeking legal advice.

According to Allen Jasson: "It's not about affronting anyone and it's certainly not an offensive statement ... It's an important statement. It's a statement that encapsulates the values and important beliefs that I hold."

According to Melbourne QC (Queen's Counsel i.e. top lawyer) and civil liberties advocate Robert Richter: "[ban outrageous] You see T-shirts like that on the streets of New York and you don't see American police telling people to take off their T-shirts... [Fellow passengers] don't have to read it, they don't have to look at him. They can come up to him and say that they disagree but to think that might incite some problem is absurd." ( A subsequent on-line poll of readers of The Age (Melbourne’s most important daily newspaper) found that 71% voted NO to the question: "Are Qantas justified in barring passengers wearing political t-shirts?".

Melbourne Airport billboard advertisement exploits Bush stupidity

A month after the latest “Bush World’s #1 terrorist” incident, George Bush is copping flak AGAIN at Melbourne International Airport (for a glimpse of the airport ), this time via a huge billboard at the main entrance.

A few days ago we picked up a visiting American couple at Melbourne Airport. On the way in I noticed a huge billboard with a picture of George Bush but didn’t quite catch the drift of the advertisement. TODAY - after several days of accommodating and entertaining our American friends and showing them all the sites of Melbourne, one of “the most liveable cities in the world” - we took them back to the airport. This time we were on the look out and carefully took in the billboard: it advertised a property search site “” and showed a huge picture of Dubya with a laptop and a typical bemused George Bush expression and the punch-line: “So easy anyone can find a new home”.

In their own words: “ is part of the Fairfax Digital Network [Fairfax being a major media group that published The Age newspaper in Melbourne and the Sydney Morning Herald in Sydney] and is the leading destination for the property market. We provide tools and information for buyers, sellers and renters Australia wide - and a highly qualified audience for advertisers. With suburb specific details, intuitive search functionality, convenient home alerts, and unique sales history, we provide the most informative and easiest search experience. Each month over 1.5 million unique visitors to the site conduct more than 90 million page impressions”.

Deadly George Bush realities

Of course there is a DEADLY side to George Bush’s intellectual and other deficiencies. Data from the latest medical literature, the UN Population Division, UNICEF, UNODC and WHO. (see Other articles by this author )

2.7 million excess deaths and 1.7 million under-5 infant deaths in US-violated Iraq 1990-2007;

1.0 million excess deaths and 0.5 million under-5 infant deaths in post-invasion Occupied Iraq plus 3.7 million refugees;

2.2 million post-invasion excess deaths, 145,000 perinatal maternal deaths and 1.8 million under-5 infant deaths in Occupied Afghanistan plus 3.7 million refugees;

0.12 million avoidable American under-5 infant deaths;

3,524 American soldiers killed and about 25,000 wounded (see: HERE );

0.5 million post-2001 global opiate drug-related deaths (including those of 50,000 Americans and 2,000 Australians), largely due to US restoration of the largely Taliban-destroyed Afghan opium industry since the US occupation of Afghanistan.

WHO data estimate that the “Total Annual Health Expenditure Per Capita” (2003) (in international dollars) is $23 for Occupied Afghanistan and $64 for Occupied Iraq as compared to $2,874 (Australia), $2,389 (UK), and $5,711 (US).

International Law as enshrined in the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War is absolutely clear about the responsibility of the Occupier to do everything “to the fullest extent of the means available to it” to preserve the health and lives of its Conquered subjects (Articles 55 and 56). Furthermore, Article 38 part 5 specifies exceptional efforts are to be made by the Occupier in relation to infants, children, mothers and pregnant women: “Children under fifteen years, pregnant women and mothers of children under seven years shall benefit by any preferential treatment to the same extent as the nationals of the State concerned.”

The above data indicate that Bush’s War on Terror is in horrible reality a War on Women and Children, a War on Asian Women and Children, a War on Arab Women and Children and a War on Muslim Women and Children. In comparison with the above carnage, about 7,000 Western civilians have been killed by Muslim-origin non-state terrorists over the last 40 years (including Israelis and assuming – a huge and increasingly implausible assumption – no US involvement in 9/11) (see MWC News ).

George Bush goes well beyond simply being an Ugly American. As variously publicly declared at Melbourne Airport, George Bush is stupid and is also the World’s #1 Terrorist.