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How Did the Leaders of the US Military and Politicians Operate Their Networks For Many Years?

The world is going to hell and the biggest problem is the leadership of the United States of America. All the other countries are already sick of Washington and everyone is fed up with the DC power elite. For example, Pakistan has just arrested a CIA contractor because he was working for five Taliban commanders.

China recently fired a missile into Syria in response to this very act. The Chinese people were angry and insulted by the American nation state. The US seems to have no self respect. It's going to take many, many years before we find peace or cooperation with anyone, let alone our political masters.

Military men, politicians, and religious leaders are the leaders of this country. They are not respected in any way in their own country. Their nations are more prosperous than ours. So, they think we need them to fix this mess.

The only reason the terrorists have not been stopped by our military is that there are Christian fundamentalists in our government and in our military. They are not making progress.

Now, I am not saying that God is not in control of our government. I am just saying that none of us are the leaders we think we are.

If the leadership of America thinks that we can blame them for all our problems, then they are wrong. We need to get our leaders back on track. For now, I will look in the mirror.

This problem is the failure of leaders of the military men, politicians, and religious leaders to speak out against the terrorists. It's time for these leaders to speak out and make a statement against terrorism. At this point, it should be considered a liberal and conservative part of the USA. Then, one person said, "This is the last thing you do, Charlie."

What is the difference between an American and a Christian or Muslim? Should the leader of a terrorist nation care about Christianity or Islam? Why should the American who supports the terrorists hate Christians?

The best part of my opinion is the leadership of the Republican Party. Where was the leadership at the time of the 9-11 attacks? Well, it turned out that some of the leaders of the Republican Party supported Al Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden and he did it on behalf of his party.

After this happened, it was at this point that those leadership had lost all faith in themselves. When you lose faith in yourself, you need someone to blame. You need to blame others.

Leaders must see things for what they are instead of what they want to be. Please consider all this in 2020.