511 Tactical Crossfit Vest

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511 Tactical CrossFit VestReview

511 Tactical's minimalist CrossFit vest will help you get into the spirit of things. It's not a full body-thickness vest, but it's much thicker than most clothing. And that's something the CrossFit athletes are using in their gyms, because it gives an edge to the workout.

The CrossFit-inspired vest has 511 Tactical's brand-new BiRim technology. The name comes from their memory foam that maintains its density throughout the torso area.

And the surface of the vest is made of full nylon and polyester blend, so it can work with every CrossFit-inspired workout routine. It's also made to fit a lot of men, which is good if you want to flaunt it in your own gym, or just wear it in public. If you're worried about being pregnant with your baby, think about putting the CrossFit vest on right after you get out of the shower, to ensure that you won't be having any trouble getting your blood circulating in the wake of a workout.

What makes the 511 Tactical's CrossFit vest so much thicker than most competitors' apparel? It has extra volume in the armholes, which is what gives you that added layer of protection as you sprint your way through the gym.

The space between the Velcro straps that attach the CrossFit vest to your torso is strategically placed to give you the ability to store and access your CrossFit-related gear, without having to open your arms. This is just one small example of how they've put so much thought into their product. There are even cinch straps that control the movement of the vest over your torso, keeping you from drifting away from your target during the workouts.

One other great thing about this vest is that it is not only very lightweight but it also has a very functional design. It works best for cross-training workouts as it provides more stability over the lower and upper body. But it also works well for pull-ups, sit-ups, and even for your standard reps.

And don't think for a second that the 511 Tac Vest is only for athletes. It can also be worn for any other activity that requires a bit of targeted stability and control.

The main piece of the vest that makes it so thin is actually the foam padding. It's high density, which enables the vest to work at a lot higher rates of exertion than standard vests, which means it will last a lot longer.

It also has a microfiber/spandex blend that allows it to breathe easily, which is nice if you have to be working out for hours on end. It also has the elastic straps that allow for easy, adjustable adjustments.

Another great feature about the 511 Tac Vest is that it can be used in hot environments, too. That means you can wear it in the summer and then get it dry-cleaned in the winter, which is a great benefit.

While the Tac Vest is available in blue and red, there are several other colors that you can choose from, including gold, black, green, and other different colors. Of course, the only thing that you should really be concerned about when choosing a color is that it matches your shirt or jacket.

You can see that the 511 Tactical CrossFit vest provides so many advantages. Don't get caught up in a v-neck or other jerseys that might be too restricting for your torso.