511 Tactical Instagram

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511 Tactical Instagram Profile Picture Changes

In a recent tweet, 511 Tactical appeared to post that their profile picture could be used as a social media page name. While this is definitely not a useful feature for customers or business owners, the social media site does allow one to create their own custom page names.

The above Tweet by 511 Tactical Instagram said: "Thank you all, now you can create your own custom Twitter and Facebook page names on our Instagram!" This is technically correct, however it's the first time I've heard of a social media site allowing one to customize their page names.

I'll admit, it's a little bit of a mouthful and it's hard to understand exactly what exactly is being meant by customizing your account. However, the implications are clear enough. In order to help customers and even potential customers distinguish between their business and another, they may wish to use their business name as their profile page name.

We can now see why it is important to identify yourself on Instagram. Most social media sites allow you to specify your background image and text. So, why is it that Instagram allows one to rename their profile picture to something they've created using their Instagram account name?

Instagram isn't the only social media site that allows a user to change their profile image. However, Instagram seems to be the only social media site that allows one to actually add their own custom name to their image. It's a small distinction but a very important one, especially in a business that wishes to remain unique.

According to an article by Realtor.com, "It's just a different twist on Instagram that allows them to have a bit more control over what appears on their profile. It's really about giving your customers a way to identify your business." The author goes on to explain that Instagram allows a business owner to design their own custom photo for their profile.

While we can agree that it's more convenient to use the same image as the image is already on Instagram, we also have to understand that the Instagram team doesn't have control over who uses your profile image. We're still talking about Instagram. If your business name appears on a picture that you create and post on Instagram, then you need to have control over who uses that image.

Imagine someone creating a custom t-shirt and sending it to you as a surprise gift. What's your reaction? A) Am I receiving a customized t-shirt?

B) Do I have to get a personalized thank you card? C) Do I need to return the t-shirt?

A - Of course, you get a customized t-shirt. But then, if you didn't get the customized t-shirt, do you have the opportunity to put your own creative spin on it and include your company name as your profile picture? D - Then, yes, you absolutely have control over who uses your custom t-shirt and how it is presented on Instagram.

I think we can all agree that Instagram is much better than Facebook. And, since Facebook is beginning to close in on Instagram on functionality, they should really be focusing on creating a great application for the masses. If they want to make sure that people continue to use Facebook, they need to add features that allow for control over the appearance and content.

Therefore, whether you're looking to keep up with your customers and continue to find ways to differentiate your business from other businesses, or you simply want to add your own unique touch to your profile pictures, Instagramp doesn't give you the option to create your own custom photo. Just for the record, I am not endorsing using the instagram.com privacy policy as a model for your business. I just want to clear up a little misunderstanding on the subject.