Technical Troubleshooting

I am having trouble logging in to the Driver app

If you are having difficulties logging into your Veho Driver App, please email to get access to your account.  

I forgot my password

Visit Veho Forgot My Password to reset the password for your Veho Driver Account

The app is freezing while I'm trying to upload delivery photos

I am having issues with the app. How can I fix it?

Test Internet Connectivity: A connection to the internet is required to use the Veho driver app. Make sure you are able to access the internet on your device. You can test your connection by pulling up an internet browser to open a website or play a video.

Troubleshooting Tips: Try using the below tips in this order to get the Veho app to load. If it continues not to work, you may need to return the packages to the warehouse and upgrade your phone or cell service to continue working with us.

Note: The requirement for the Veho app as of August 2023 is Android devices with operating system 11 or greater or iOS devices (6S or 6S+ or newer) with iOS 13.2 or greater