My Account & Earnings

How often will I get paid?

Earnings are distributed to drivers twice per week and take 2-3 business days to process into your bank account. Notifications will be sent via email when a payment is initiated.

How will I receive payment?

Veho partners with a safe and secure payment service called Routable, in which all payments are sent via ACH bank transfer.

To ensure you are paid in a timely manner, please sign up for payments by taking the following steps:

Full instructions with screenshots can be found here

If I add the account manually, how long does it take to verify my bank account?

You should see the micro deposits appear on your bank statement within 1-2 business days after manually entering your account numbers. The deposits will have the name “Routable” on your statement.

Note: No earnings will be processed until the bank account is fully verified with the micro deposit amounts.

How do I get additional support with payments?

Contact if you have any questions or concerns with the following issues related to payments:

What is my Veho customer rating and where can I find it?

Customer experience and delivery quality are very important on the Veho platform. After each package is delivered, the customer has the option to rate the delivery experience. Your customer rating can be found in the Veho Driver app by clicking the menu at the top left corner and selecting Account > Metrics. 

Your customer rating is the average rating (on a scale of 1 to 5 from customers) from your last 100 rated package deliveries. If you have fewer than 100 rated package deliveries, your customer rating is the average of all your rated package deliveries. There will not be enough data to calculate your rating until you have more than 30 rated deliveries. Rescue routes are not included in your average customer rating. 

Why is my customer rating low?

Unfortunately, due to the need to keep customer data private, we are not able to share some information about why an individual rating from a customer was low. You will have many opportunities to provide a great customer experience and improve your customer rating during each route.

What happens if my customer rating is low?

A representative from Veho will review your customer rating on a periodic basis as you complete more deliveries and those deliveries get rated by package recipients. In order to provide you time to get used to delivering packages on the Veho platform, we will not review your rating until after you have received 30 package ratings from customers.

If your customer rating is below the minimum threshold of 4.5, you will receive a message with this information. Rest assured, before any deactivation, we will always complete a manual review of every rating from a customer on the account to ensure issues that are outside of your control are not counted against the customer rating. You can find more information in the Veho Driver Partner Terms & Conditions

Where can I find a copy of the Veho Driver Partner Terms & Conditions?