Field Trips & Overseas Travel

Field trips and Off-campus activities

The field trips and other off campus activities document sets out University policy and procedural guidance for the management of health and safety during all University fieldtrips, fieldwork and other off campus activities and general educational visits as part of a course of study or research whether in an urban environment and educational visits such as visits to museums, art galleries, theatres, factory tours, farms etc.

It is based primarily upon the University’s legislative duties identified from statute, case law, sector best practice and guidance from advisory bodies such as the Health and Safety Executive, Universities UK, Department of Education.

A risk assessment must be carried out by anyone that leads all field trips and off campus activities organised by the Department. The risk assessment should take into account; the activity; the location; the means of transport; and first aid provision (if deemed necessary). The risk assessment is to be sent to the DSO one week before. 

Responsibility: Academic lead

The main aim is to identify any significant hazards, which could pose a risk to our staff, students, or anyone else affected by the activity.

Please note:

UK trips with an overnight stay, flight travel or rail travel will automatically be covered by the University's insurance policy. You won't need to complete the Travel Insurance Form. 

Overseas Field Trips

All overseas travel for Departmental purposes must be risk assessed by the member of staff prior to departure. 

Insurance should also be arranged via the University, which can be found at

Full information on insurance is here:

University Fieldwork & Travel Policy in full: 

Travel Assistance app

Our travel insurers, RSA, have a Travel Assistance app available for download through the App Store and Google Play.

This app provides

In the event of an emergency, call Healix directly. They'll offer help and support with medical and security incidents.

Read the app instruction booklet (PDF, 3.5MB) to see how to set up the app. 

The policy number is RKK699045 – make sure that you use capitals.