Working Hours & Out Of Hours

Normal Working hours

Normal working hours in both the School of Architecture and Department of Landscape architecture are: 8am - 6pm Monday to Friday.

To gain access to floors 9 to 19 you will need your ucard to gain access.

NB: All ucard swipe access on floors 9-19 of the Arts Tower, is restricted to Landscape and Architecture Staff & Students. 

Reception of both departments is on Floor 13. 

All visitors must report to Floor 13 reception.

Out of hours working 

If you plan to work outside these hours, you can work up to 9pm weekdays but you must complete the online Out of Hours Training, available via the MyDevelopment website.

Once you have completed the training, you can request out of hours access by completing this form. Out Of Hours Ucard request form

No one is allowed in the building after 9pm untill 8 am the next morning.