List of responsibilities

                       List of responsibilities of staff

  Head of Department

The Head of Department has ultimate responsibility for health and safety within Department of Landscape Architecture to achieve this they will ensure that the Departmental Health and Safety Policy is adopted and fully implemented, that safety procedures are published for staff and that a Departmental Safety Officer is nominated.  Full responsibilities are defined in the University Health and Safety Policy and Arrangements.

Head of The School of Architecture is: Professor Renata Tyszczuk

Head of The Department of Landscape Architecture is: Professor Helen Woolley

Departmental Safety Officer

The Head of Department will appoint a Departmental Safety Officer (DSO) whose primary task will be to act as liaison officer between the Department and the University Health and Safety Department and to advise the Head of Department on health and safety matters as they relate to the Department.

DSO for School of Architecture & Department of Landscape Architecture is Mark Johnson

          All Supervisory Staff

Supervisory staff will:

Be fully familiar with the Department and the University Health and Safety Policies and understand and apply them within all areas of their responsibility;

Ensure that staff operate in accordance with the University Health and Safety Policy, as relevant to their work and that staff will have sufficient training / instruction relative to the risks they take to ensure safe working.


All Employees

The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 states that EVERYONE has a responsibility for safety. It is important that everyone appreciates the extent of their responsibilities, namely that they:

Shall make themselves familiar with the Health and Safety Policies of the University and of Department, and shall be fully familiar with sections of these policies, which directly affect their particular activities;

Shall accept individual responsibility: