School of Architecture and Department of Landscape Architecture 

Health & Safety Handbook

Introduction to Health & Safety Handbook

Welcome to our Health & Safety Handbook! This comprehensive guide has been created to provide you with essential information and guidelines to ensure the well-being and safety of all individuals within our organization. Whether you are a new employee, a seasoned professional, or a visitor, this handbook will serve as a valuable resource to promote a culture of safety and minimize risks in our workplace.

In the School of Architecture and Department of Landscape Architecture, we recognise that the health and safety of our employees and stakeholders are of utmost importance. We are committed to fostering a work environment that prioritizes the physical and mental well-being of everyone involved. By adhering to the policies, procedures, and best practices outlined in this handbook, we aim to prevent accidents, injuries, and illnesses, and to create a culture where everyone feels empowered to contribute to a safe and healthy workplace.

This handbook is designed to be easily accessible and user-friendly, providing you with the necessary tools and knowledge to understand and comply with our health and safety standards. It will serve as a reference guide, offering insights into the potential hazards and risks present in our workplace, as well as strategies and protocols to mitigate them effectively.

Throughout this handbook, you will find information on various aspects of health and safety, including but not limited to:

Remember, health and safety is a collective responsibility, and we encourage everyone to actively participate in maintaining a safe working environment. By familiarising yourself with the contents of this handbook and implementing the guidelines within your daily activities, you are making a significant contribution to the well-being of yourself and those around you.

Please note that this handbook is not exhaustive and is subject to updates and revisions as necessary. We encourage you to consult the most recent version, which will be made available to you through our internal communication channels.

Thank you for your commitment to health and safety. Together, we can create a workplace that promotes well-being, prevents incidents, and ensures a positive and productive environment for all.

Stay safe!

Mark Johnson

Health & Safety Team

Any questions or request for this Handbook please email: