Health & Safety Meetings

Department Health & Safety Committee

The primary vehicle for all health, safety and welfare matters is a Departmental Health and Safety Committee. The Committee will be representative of all categories and grades of staff. Every member of staff will have the opportunity to have issues raised and discussed at the Health and Safety Committee meeting. Minutes of the meeting will be made available to all staff. Where issues are not resolved to staff satisfaction these can be referred on to the University Health and Safety Department. In the Department of Landscape Architecture the Health and Safety Committee is a joint committee with the School of Architecture.

Date of the next Department Health & Safety Committee: January 2024

Committee members:

Helen Woolley - Head of The Department of Landscape Architecture

Professor Renata Tyszczuk - Head of the School of Architecture

Rachel Dodd - Departmental Managet of Architecture

Laura Pitts  - Departmental manager of Landscape Architecture

Dionne Edwards - Dept of Health & Safety Representative

Mark Johnson -  Department Health & Safety Officer

David Markham - Operations Manager

Roy Childs - Print Unit

Stuart Moran - Workshop

Rae Hesketh - Studio & Estates Assistant

Meeting Notes : 2nd August 2023 

Departmental Space Inspections

H&S Newsletter - November 23
Health and Safety Committee minutes 2_8_23.docx

Meeting Notes : 4th April 2023

Health and Safety Committee minutes.docx