DSE Assessments

Display Screen Equipment Assessments

The Display Screen Equipment Regulations, 1992 apply to a display screen ‘user’ defined as an employee who habitually uses a VDU as a significant part of their normal work.  Where this criterion applies, employers are required to assess VDU equipment and workstations to reduce any health risks; to plan VDU work so that there are breaks of activity; and to provide information and training for users.  In addition, users are entitled to eyesight tests and to special spectacles should they prove necessary.  

All Department of Landscape Architecture staff are classed as DSE users and must complete the online at work DSE training and also (if aplicable), online at home DSE training

Once the form is complete, if you highlight any issues one of the following people will be in touch:

DSE Assessors are: David Markham, Mark Johnson, Ralph MacKinder

Eyesight Testing

The University will pay for eye testing for all employees who are identified as ‘DSE users’. This payment is conditional on testing being carried out at the University’s chosen optician, and authorisation being obtained in advance.

Users can request an eye test themselves by completing this form which will then be authorised by the Health and Safety Department.

The eye test system is completely optional. Where staff chooses not to use this system the University will not reimburse eye testing costs for those employees who choose to use a different optician.

Retesting will usually be allowed every 2 years, except in exceptional circumstances.

Again through the University's contracted optician, the University will also provide a pair of basic spectacles (frames and lenses) where these are required solely and specifically for DSE use. The University will not pay for spectacles which are used for reading or driving as well as DSE work.

Occupational Health

If a user is still experiencing issues after basic changes/adjustments have been made to the workstation, then further referral should be considered
This is now carried out by a company called Posturite
Occupational Health referral needs considering if DSE issue is caused by underlying medical conditions
Occupational Health referral must be performed by the DSE user’s line manager: https://staff.sheffield.ac.uk/health-wellbeing/occupational/surveillance/workstation-assessments