Drone & UAV use Policy

Drone & UAV use – Local Rules 

This set of local rules are designed to effectively implement the UoS ‘Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)/Drone policy (Feb 2022) within the School, ensuring our compliance with legal duties  regarding health and safety, as well as requirements of the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) and data  protection legislation. As well as following these rules it is advised you still familiarise yourself with  this wider policy and advice on the CAA website

If you have any queries regarding this policy or drone activities, please contact Mark Johnson  (m.d.johnson@shef.ac.uk) 

Flying outdoors in the UK 

1. Drone pilots need to complete a short-course and register with the CAA here to gain a Flyer ID 

2. Operators of drones (the PI responsible) needs to register with the CAA here for an Operator  ID. They also need to ensure drones are labelled with their Operator ID. 

3. Notify Health & Safety (safety@sheffield.ac.uk) of your Flyer/Operator IDs and you will be  added to the Drone Users Working Group.  

4. Notify BIS of your Flyer/Operator IDs, drone model details/category so that the School can  maintain a register by completing Drone Registration Form

5. All drone activity must be risk assessed to consider the location, site features, usage of site  and weather conditions. A Generic Drone Activity Risk Assessment can be downloaded  and amended as required, and combined with a separate Site Specific risk assessment. Please  email a copy of your assessments to m.d.johnson@sheffield.ac.uk

6. Ensure your flights comply with Minimum University Safety Requirements found here. These  should be included in your Risk Assessment. 

7. Ensure adequate public liability insurance is in place. The University provides cover to  staff/students operating drones in the UK as long as they weigh <20kg without fuel. Insurance  does not cover damage or theft of drones. For further details consult the full UoS drone policy  document

8. Gain permission from landowners, or if flying on UoS property gain permission from  University Estates (EFM) and University Security by emailing 

flying-drones-group@sheffield.ac.uk with details of: 

a. Reason for flight 

b. Time 

c. Date 

d. Location 

e. Risk assessment

f. Map of flight zone 

9. In the event of an unforeseen adverse event the Drone Emergency Procedure should be  followed. 

Flying drones overseas 

The same process as flying drones in the UK applies to flying abroad, with the notable exceptions  of: 

1. You must contact University Insurance if you are flying drones overseas 


2. You must pay particular attention to local legislation regarding flying UAVs and Drones in  other countries, as requirements may differ significantly from those of the CAA. 3. As with flying in the UK, all activity and flying sites must be fully risk assessed. 


UoS Drone Policy (Feb 22) 

CAA website 

Generic Drone Activity Risk Assessment 

UoS Minimum University Safety Requirements 

Drone Emergency Procedure 

Flow diagram