Physics and Astronomy

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Intro Week 

Intro-week begins on Monday 18th of September and is an important time for all year 1 physics students.  While this is an opportunity for students to meet peers and settle into university life, it is also the time to learn of the essential information for your degree.

The initial welcome to the department of Physics and Astronomy will take place on Monday morning.  Come to Lecture Theatre 1 in the Hicks Building for 10 am.  See you then!

In the meantime, do check the schedule below (or click here) for an overview of the week's sessions.

On the University website:

The Hicks building

The Hicks building


Pre-arrival message from Year Tutor for Level 1 Physics:

Welcome to the Physics and Astronomy department at the University of Sheffield! We are thrilled to have you onboard as you embark on an exciting journey of higher education in physics.    

As the head of year 1 physics, I am looking forward to welcoming you to the department in person on 18 September. This will mark the beginning of Intro Week. Sessions and activities have been planned to help you learn important details of your courses, meet your lecturers and settle in before teaching begins.  You can see a schedule of these activities on the Induction website

Your classes will begin on 25 September, marking the start of a 12-week semester packed with lectures, labs, workshops, and tutorials. Semester 1, which also includes a reading week from 11-15 November, wraps up on 15 December. After the January exam period, semester 2 commences on 5 February 2024 and runs through until 23 May including a three week easter break. Year 1 of your degree studies will end in mid June 2024 on completion of the exam period.  

Before you can begin attending classes, you will need to complete registration. This is finalised in person when you arrive on campus and should be done before 22 September. In some instances, registration may take several days to complete so you should allow adequate time to register. The 'last possible start date' to begin your classes is 16 October.

Other than compulsory (core) courses, your programme of study may offer optional modules. These can be chosen and changed from 18 September until 5pm 6 October. This and indeed many other topics will be discussed during Intro Week. 

In the meantime, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Physics Student Support.

Best wishes,

Dr Mark Quinn