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Intro Week Activities (important - compulsory!)

Tuesday 19 September 10 am - 12 Noon

Go to Lecture Theatre 1 in the Dainton Building (link: use the maps to find this) and make sure you arrive well in time for the start. 

Here you will meet your personal tutor, tour teaching labs and collect your lab equipment. 

Friday 22 September 10:30 am - 2:30 pm

Go to the Auditorium in the Richard Roberts Building (link: use the maps to find this). 

Welcome to the Department of Chemistry, information about your course and orientation activities.

The Richard Roberts and Dainton buildings located on Western Bank

The Richard Roberts and Dainton buildings located on Western Bank

Department of Chemistry - useful links

Intro Week

Information on things to know - and what to do - when you arrive as a student at Sheffield can be found here on the main University website: