Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)

At the University of Sheffield we want all students and staff to feel safe, be their authentic selves, and to reach their potential without additional barriers due to their identity, needs or protected characteristics.

Departmental Contacts

Each department has a dedicated Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Lead who are led by our Faculty Director for EDI & Wellbeing. 

Contact details for all EDI Leads and the Faculty Director are in the Who's Who in EDI page, and you should meet your EDI lead during your induction week.

SU Groups and Societies

While many people think of Student Societies as being sport, hobby or activity related, there are a number of Societies within our Student's Union that support, campaign for and network students of different cultures, faiths, identities and histories. A non-exhaustive list includes:

You can search the whole directory of SU Societies via the SU website.


The Belief, No Belief and Religion (BNBR) Life Centre is here for students of any faith, any religion, or none. 

They offer a non-judgemental listening ear service, via a one to one conversation appointment for any student, and have a range of facilities including a room for prayer, worship, quiet reflection and meditation. There is also a Common Room for meetings and individuals, with tea and coffee available.

The BNBR also have a team of chaplains and religious advisors who you can contact at any point.

Faith and Religion



Parent Rooms

There are two parent room facilities within the Faculty of Science, one in the Alfred Denny and one in the Hicks Building. If you need access to this facility for breast/chest feeding or expressing milk please contact your departmental EDI lead (see above).

Gender Neutral and Unisex Toilets

There are a number of gender neutral and unisex toilets across campus. A map of these facilities can be found here.

Name and Pronouns

You can update your personal details in Blackboard and Google so that our main digital platforms use the correct pronouns and names for you.

If you want to change you gender on your official student record (including changing your name on your final degree certificate) then additional information can be found here.