
Blackboard (Bb) provides students with secure and flexible access (on or off campus) to registered course or programme modules. 

Your School or Department may use Blackboard in slightly different ways, and the way it is used may differ depending on the time of year. 

However, for any Blackboard module you have access to, you'll find a range of supporting course resources, such as:

Updating your personal details in Blackboard

When you start using Blackboard, you can easily customise your personal details including your first name, pronouns and profile image. See:

How to access Blackboard

Note: Your username and password to access Blackboard are the same as your University IT (MUSE) account, as shown on our 'Get connected' page.

Accessing the Blackboard front page

When you first access your Blackboard account, by default, you will land on the Activity Stream section.  The Activity Stream provides a list of notifications from your courses, including announcements and due dates.

Note: If this is your first time login to Blackboard, you may receive the ‘Welcome and Getting started’ screen the first time you access. In this case, scroll down this page and click the ‘Get Started’ button. Click through the instructions and you will arrive at your Blackboard homepage.

The Activity Stream section is the first page you see when accessing Blackboard

Quick guide to all sections on the Blackboard front page


The Courses section on the menu is the area that you will see all the course modules that you are registered for during your year level. Depending on the semester your modules are scheduled for they may (or may not) appear immediately on the courses page. 

For example, in the image shown below, three (School of Bioscience) module codes are listed - APS110, APS11002, APS11003. 

Academic Year (2023-24) modules running throughout semesters 1 and 2 will appear on your courses list for the start of term, as will any Semester 1 Autumn (2023-24) module codes. 

Spring (2023-24)  modules arrive in Semester 2 (after Christmas) will most likely appear later on in the year just before they start, though the module leader may release these earlier.

In addition, please note, year 1 (2023-24) Modules may not be available to you on your Blackboard account until registration is fully completed.

Accessing blackboard courses

Clicking on a course link will take you into the course module.  

During your introduction week your department will provide you with a demonstration of a typical course module and the types of content you can expect to find in that Blackboard course.