
7th Grade: More on Did You Know? Presentations

By Wendy

Last week on the blog, we discussed the upcoming Did You Know presentations 7th graders will be presenting at Community Meeting. These 7 – 10 minute performances will highlight what each student has learned about a range of topics that have shaped – and continue to shape - Washington State history. Most worked in pairs to research, write a script and prepare a powerpoint presentation on their chosen issue. The topics fall under five themes: Civil Rights, Firsts for Women, Immigration, Climate Change impacts and Industries that have impacted the development of the region.

This assignment – and the reflections all 7th graders will complete after hearing their classmates at community meeting – will help fulfill their requirement for Washington State History in high school. The topics provide a much more inclusive, contemporary, nimble and multidisciplinary view than would be afforded by a standard textbook curriculum. Below are the range of topics we will all be learning about, in the order they’ll be presented. Ask your student how their Did You Know? project is going!

Japanese American Internment

Fishing Rights for Native Americans

The Lummi Tribe and their activism around the proposed coal terminal

Gentrification in Seattle

Race and the Achievement Gap

The History of Hate Crimes (and increase today)

Police Excessive Use of Force

Historical Trauma and the impact on Indigenous Youth

Big Tech and its influence on Washington

Women’s Suffrage

The Duwamish Tribe and Chief Seattle Girls' School

Sexism in Sports

Thea Foss

LGBTQ+ and Trans Firsts

LGBTQ+: Protecting Students’ Rights

Homelessness and the Housing Crisis

Impacts of Climate Change on Northwest Species

Endangered Animals in Washington State

Ocean Acidification

Chinese and Filipino Immigration to Washington

The Impact of Starbucks on the Local Economy