
October 26, 2018 - 7th Grade Announcements

  • Tuesday, 11/13, DC Trip Adult Meeting, 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. Is your student interested in attending the DC Trip? Have questions about what to do to sign up? Come to this informational meeting and get details about the trip happening over Spring Break 4/7-4/10.
  • It’s time to sign up for Fall LTMs! Learning Team Meetings are student-led family conferences, and they are held on Friday, 10/2 and Monday, 10/5. There is no school on those days. Please sign up here with your student’s advisor, and feel free to email the advisor with questions or issues you’d most like to discuss. We look forward to seeing you then.

7th Grade Math

By Shannon

In 7th Grade math, students are developing their understanding of simplifying expressions and learning how variables can be manipulated. We defining vocabulary like variables, terms, constants, and coefficients. We are learning what it means to ‘combine like terms.’ In addition, students are learning various methods to multiply variables including the generic rectangle method, FOIL method, distributing, and using the Algebra Tiles to not only multiply but also factor. Algebra Tiles allow students to visually see variables combining, multiply, and changing without getting lost in the mental math and memorizing the rules. Students took their first quiz this week and we will continue building understanding in this intro to variables unit!