
November 9, 2018 - 7th Grade Announcements

  • Tuesday, 11/13, DC Trip Adult Meeting, 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. Is your student interested in attending the DC Trip? Have questions about what to do to sign up? Come to this informational meeting and get details about the trip happening over Spring Break 4/7-4/10.
  • Thursday, 12/20, 7th Grade Mock Trial, 4:00 - 6:00 p.m., King County Courthouse, 516 3rd Ave, Seattle. This is the culmination of our 2-week “Law School” intensive, and caps our study of the U.S. Constitution.
Nasra Kutil, Georgia Gray, Maya Kalbach, Gabi Robbins (not pictured: Julianne Ingram and Kelsey Hamilton)

7th Grade: Student Council Election

While the nation was consumed with midterm elections on a federal, state, and local level, SGS students were excited to take part in an election of their own. On Tuesday, the former Student Council passed the torch to six eager 7th grade students who will now serve as the official Seattle Girls' School Student Council of 2018-2019.

SGS’s Student Council is run by a handful of 7th graders, who serve a one year term and eventually pass the responsibility to the next 7th grade class. For the weeks leading up to the election, students are hard at work practicing their speeches, decorating campaign posters, and formulating a unique platform that is meaningful to them. As this democratic tradition continues year after year, we are blown away by the passion and drive our students bring to the table. To introduce our new Student Council we asked each of them to describe how they plan to impact the SGS community. We are pleased to present the 2018-2019 Student Council! Please read about their plans for the upcoming year below:

Georgia Gray

"Since schools are run by adults, Student Council can represent the voices of the students. This is important because students have a point of view that is different from the adults.”

Gabi Robbins

"I don’t shy away from problems, I was a 6th grade rep last year so I already know how student council works. I don’t just want the 7th grade voices to be heard, I want everyone’s voice to be heard."

Julianne Ingram

"I think we should enforce the rules, but not make up rumors about the rules. I would make sure everyone knows the rules and what they are so that there is no confusion."

Kelsey Hamilton

"I would have a really positive attitude and approach to things. If someone had a really good idea I would advocate for it.”

Maya Kalbach

"I will make sure everyone’s ideas are heard in student council discussions. I want to have some creative fundraisers in addition to the standard bake sales, like a movie night to raise money for a charity.”

Nasra Kuti

“I think that bringing a voice that hasn’t been here (at SGS) quite as long as everyone else brings a new perspective. Even though I may not have as much experience with how the school works, I am quickly figuring it out and can bring insights on how things are done at other schools.”