Code 210


Service Area

        • All service area travel will be approved by administrative procedure, i.e., routes, service to be provided, etc. Any area travel not covered by written procedure shall be approved and authorized by the SEDC Executive Board of Directors or the director if such travel is in the interest of SEDC, is not out of state, and/or the separate districts. Personnel must function within the travel budget allocated to their department.
        • Lodging expenses will be reimbursed by SEDC within the allocated department’s travel budget when incurred as a necessary expense for authorized travel and service. Actual paid receipt for lodging is required for reimbursement.
        • Only authorized SEDC personnel will drive vehicles owned or leased by the center and are expected to follow the rules and regulations of Utah State Code R27-3-4 Authorized and Unauthorized use of State Vehicles.

Out of Service Area Travel

        • Attendance at any workshop, training session, demonstration, etc., held outside the geographic area of the six counties must be approved by the Executive Board of Directors or the director of SEDC. Any travel out of state must be approved by the Board of Directors prior to the trip, with the exception of the Mesquite and Las Vegas area. Travel to the Mesquite or Las Vegas area can be approved by the SEDC director.
        • Expenses for approved, out-of-area travel will be borne by SEDC provided the appropriate funds are available and budgeted within the requesting employee’s department.
        • Actual lodging costs incurred during approved travel periods outside the service center region will be reimbursed by the center. Paid receipts are mandatory for reimbursement.

A per diem food allowance of $40 per day in-state and $46 out-of state or prorated on part days for the period covered by approved travel will be allowed.

The director will attend such meetings as may be called by the State Office of Education, URSA, UEN, or other agencies relative to SEDC or its operation as part of his regular duties without prior approval.

Revised October 2004

Revised September 2015