8/10: Fall 2020 Class Schedule & Registration

Dear Brain Fitness Students,

We promised to send you a very simplified version of the schedule for Brain Fitness classes in the Fall 2020 semester. Please find that schedule attached. Note that there are a few other classes on the same sheet that you may be interested in. This document doesn't replace the full SDCE online class schedule, it is just a shortcut for the classes we think you may be interested in.

The schedule provides the class number, instructor, day, and time of the Zoom sessions, hopefully making it easy to select from. Sometimes you will see 2 class numbers for the same class--in those cases, you must use both when registering; please don't leave off one of them or you won't be fully registered.

And great news! Our own Mary Burns just created an amazing online web page that summarizes all the Emeritus classes for Fall 2020--a very simplified version to make it easy to find classes, with just the information you need. Click here to access that full list of classes.

Also attached are updated instructions for registering. Remember, registration opens on Monday, August 17th, at noon. If you try to register prior to that, it will ask for access codes and won't let you. You won't need access codes this semester, so when you go in on Aug. 17th at noon or after, you will be free to register without them. You may also see these instructions on a web page created by Mary Burns especially for you! Click here for access to the registration instructions.

If you successfully register for any Brain Fitness class by August 28th, your BrainHQ license will continue to be active through the semester break. If you do not register by this date, we will turn your license off. You may register later, but please notify us when you do so we can turn your license back on.

Please let us know if you need any help or have trouble registering. We want you to succeed!

Please note: We have also attached a flyer about our Brain Fitness classes. You may send to friends or put up at your local business or library. We appreciate your help spreading the word about brain fitness! Please send any interested new students our way and we'll help them get into a class.

We look forward to being with you again in the Fall 2020 semester!

Pat, Mary, Yael, and Debbie

Debbie Emery-Flores

Instructor, Emeritus Program

San Diego Continuing Education

San Diego Community College District


(619) 608-9001