5/18 The Healing Power of Kindness

Welcome to Week 14 of Our Brain Fitness Class

BHQ site: (www.brainhq.com)

The Healing Power of Kindness Lesson

Contagious toxins and their capacity to spread from a single person to millions at incredible speeds has become a reality in our lives today. We seldom think of the transmission of an infectious trait as a positive event, and yet there is scientific proof that there are beneficial contagious agents in the world, too. This week we will learn about the healing (and contagious) powers of kindness, the benefits it provides, and how we can all become “spreaders” of this infectious healing agent to have a positive impact on one person, our community, and possibly even the world. Read and view the Interactive Lesson here, or download the Printable Handout here. Access the PowerPoint summary of the lesson here. Then, take the quiz.

The BrainHQ Connection

Powering the Brain [with Kindness]

In this article from the BrainHQ website, Dr Melanie Cheung, in partnership with a team of scientists and clinicians (including our own Dr. Mike Merzenich), was working to prevent the advance of Huntington’s disease symptoms, using BrainHQ brain-training exercises.

What was remarkable about this study (and relevant to this week's lesson), was not the use of non-invasive, non-pharmaceutical techniques to prevent the advance of Huntington's symptoms, but its focus on developing protocols appropriate to researchers and communities of Māori (an indigenous community of New Zealand). Procedures that would not normally be acceptable within Māori cultural values were allowed because of some simple acts of kindness and respect for Māori ways. “The human experience was what touched their hearts, said Dr. Cheung. After discussion and consideration, they gave their permission."

Dr. Cheung has since developed relationships with other indigenous peoples to learn how the research protocols translate into other cultures. A wonderful example of acts kindness and compassion promoting healing.

Zoom Sessions

Zoom Session: Join us this Wednesday, May 20th. This week our lesson are different but you will love them both. So join us for the full hour if you can. Here’s our schedule of events:

6:30-7:00: For ALL! Q&A time about any of the BHQ exercises or the class website.

7:00-7:30: We will focus on the Weekly Basics Lesson - Stress Management

7:30–8:00: We will focus on the Weekly Topics Lesson – The Healing Power of Kindness

Just click here to follow the instructions on the Home Page by scrolling down to Weekly Zoom Sessions. Or you can go directly to the Zoom site by clicking here.

First time on Zoom? Just follow the instructions on this Home Page to learn how. Returning students click here to connect directly. Try getting on the site early to see how easy it is to get it set up. We begin our BHQ Zoom at 6:30, so try getting on at about 6:15 and call if you have any trouble. You can participate by video and audio, or just listen in by phone. Please let us know if you need help! Call Pat’s cell at 619-818-3953. If you’ve been on Zoom before, you will appreciate this new Zoom Video that Mary created to help you learn about some of the features available to you while on the site. See you on Wednesday.

Enjoy the lessons, and have a brain-healthy week.

Contact Us

Need help? Contact us at:

Pat Mosteller (pmostell@sdccd.edu) Cell 619-818-3953 - Online classes

Mary Burns (mburns@sdccd.edu) - Online classes

Debbie Flores (dsflores@sdccd.edu) - Cell 619-608-9001 --Online classes & Wednesday AM and PM classes at the Kroc Center

Janet Blair ( blusdbits@gmail.com ) - St Pauls Plaza. Contact for Support and Lesson Review

Yael Lorberfeld (ylorberfeld@sdccd.edu) . Mondays at the Kroc Center, Wednesdays at the College Ave Senior Center (Temple Emanu-El), and Friday mornings at the La Jolla JCC.

Marilyn Kessler (marilynk@ifssd.org) - Mondays at the College Ave Senior Center (Temple Emanu-El)